Chapter 166

"How's you written test?"

"Fine, I think. I studied this more than academy's subjects," I replied.

Today is the day for the exam for my pilot license. I'm actually quite nervous.

I have played a lot of piloting simulation games before this. Flying all kinds of aircraft. I think I'm going to nail it.

Well, the written exam is over. It's just one exam even though I'm going to take the practical exam for all kind of planes today.

Although this is a place we're taking the test at, it's not that crowded. There are some cadets from other academies and some other people trying to get pilot license. But there are not as many people as I expected.

Maybe because only people who are referred here by someone with certificate as a pilot instructor can come. Other people can't.

Fortunately, we have some in the club who have the certificate. So we can come here.