Chapter 168

"Giselle! Let's find a beach house to buy!" I said as I returned back to my apartment excitedly.

Then the TV screen suddenly turned on and her avatar appears. Now, her avatar looks more like her in real life when she was alive and if she was healthier. Not like the first avatar she used when Bob introduced me to her for the first time.

[You're doing it now? You haven't even slept at all because of your mission,] Giselle said worriedly.

"Not a problem. I think I'm way too excited to sleep right now. At least we should look for candidates first. Tell me any beach house for sale. And I want it to not be too far from the academy if possible. Well, that's only optional. I still have the option to stay in this apartment while I'm still a cadet," I said.

Thanks to that granny paying me a lot, I can buy my dream beach house. Well, even if it's just the land, as long as it has a beach, then I can just build a house.