Chapter 179

Let's kidnap bad guys! The weak Magician and the weak Warrior! I'll use the Warrior to threat the Magician if the Magician won't obey me since I only need the Magician.

"Giselle, you're sure that they are not loved by anyone, right?" I asked Giselle again to make sure that no one will miss them if they went missing.

[I'm sure of it. They are not from here. They are from another city. They did the same thing they do here. Small crimes. But they ended up offending dangerous organization so they escaped here. If there's anyone who will miss them, it would be that organization,] Giselle said.

Then it's clear. Maybe if they are still alive by the time the experiment succeeded, I will throw them back to their hometown where they can meet their old friends again. The organization that is looking for them.

Though if it's a pain in the ass, I will simply kill them after I finish with them.