Chapter 186

Two brothers chatted in a cave.

"Hey, is this for real?"

"…This is real."

They are the brothers that Kaiser kidnapped and made into his subordinates. They are checking their bank balance and it was many times higher than before. It was the reward given to them after they completed their job together with Kaiser.

"This is how much we were given for that one job?"

"He said that it's rare for a job to have so much reward. It's just that he's quite famous in the industry so someone would pay a high reward to get him to complete a mission."

"…It's nothing compared to how much we made before we came here."

"We didn't come here. We were kidnapped. Though you're right. This is the difference between small time criminals and professionals. Professionals did crime but they won't be wanted while small time criminals like what we did before would be wanted just because we stole a single piece of bread."

The two then went quiet for a while.