Chapter 197

[Are you sure that's what happened? Because that's not what I feel like happened. Are you really sure that he asked you to assassinate someone?]

After leaving the office, I talked about it to Giselle about what happened.

Yeah, of course she couldn't believe that this is the real meaning of the simple conversation we had. It's an assassination request.

"I'm sure of it. That's why I want you to investigate about this man called Manuel. He even makes a party and invited the Chancellor as the guest. Just in case, go and check all the guards and all the people who are invited by the target. With the Chancellor there, it will be hard to kill the target without being noticed," I said.

[I still don't get it but I'll trust you. But won't it be hard to kill the target there while the Chancellor is participating? If the target dies when he's there, he will be suspected,] Giselle asked.