Chapter 202

A new mission. To stop the noise in this restaurant.

The target? Mainly the three girls next to us who believe that they are famous. No, they aren't.

They are simply annoying. Just because they have a few followers don't mean that they are influencer.

Can I make them go quiet? These girls who are too selfish and being so noisy that even Mom told me to stop them.

I'll try my best.

"Ladies, please be quiet. You shouted so much you spat out your saliva everywhere. I don't want them in my food," I said.

And now it's quiet. I guess it worked.

"…Kaiser, among all the things you can say to handle the situation, that is among the worst possible choice you can make. And you said it," Reina said.

[I think you should cover your food so their saliva won't get in your food because now they will scream at you,] Giselle suggested.