Chapter 287

Alright, everything is good. There's nothing wrong with the cockpit. The engines work fine. Xu Hao did destroy the door and the plane lost its balance for a bit. But he used magic to cover the hole and now that I'm sitting in the cockpit, we're back to normal.

"So, who hired you? Where were we taken to?" Wei asked the former pilot that he knew for a few years already. He felt so betrayed that going to Searise showed him how many people under him is actually not on his side.

It's all because Xu Hao wouldn't leave China so they couldn't do anything in China. But in Searise, they can try to do something they couldn't do before.

Well, they failed. And now, Xu Hao is even here. There's nothing else they can do except… wait.

"Hey! Where do you want to go?" I asked Wei.

"Home. Go to Beijing and once we're there, your job will be done," Wei said.