Chapter 319

My dad is an actor. And as his level increases, his fame and popularity increases as well. He received more and more offers including for several blockbuster movies. I enjoyed those movies but they can't be compared to how funny it is every time my dad has to play as an unfortunate character like how he needed to get hit by a car in his first movie.

What can I say? I love comedies.

My dad is in Hollywood in the last few weeks leaving me and Reina at home while Mom is skipping classes to go to Hollywood. And it's quite funny what happened after they got there.

They met a lot of A-list celebrities. But I am more popular than any of them.

And then when my mom met them and wanted to ask them for their autographs, before she could even ask, Mom and Dad were the ones being asked for autographs first. Not theirs, obviously, those celebrities asked my parents if they could ask me for my autographs. I'm that popular now. Huahahaha!