Chapter 361

We talked more about our next move. To try to get Dweena and her group to officially recognized as harmless giants to humans and hopefully we can make them our guild members.

It should be possible according to everyone. It's because I have killed giants.

If it's the government, I doubt they have the skill to kill a giant. But I do. I killed several giants.

How come they easily accepted a giant to be in the country? I'm talking about the giant who became famous for fighting other giant here.

The answer is that they have no other hope. The government couldn't see any hope in their Heroes to kill the giant if the giant decided to attack. That's why when the giant said that he will help the country, the government just accepted it.

"He's known to be a good guy even among giants. Though it has been thousands of years since we last met so I can only decide if he can be trusted or not when we meet and talk," Dweena said.