Chapter 382

"Boss, you have a guest," a staff informed me when I was just about to go home.

I want to ignore the guest but I can't because it's Garden. For her who has connection with the underworld to look for me, something big must have happened.

Though even if it's not for business, she's someone I'm acquainted with. She's a regular participant of the night events. Whether she's just hanging around talking with some people or playing in the games, she came once in a while. I even talked to her as Kaiser.

Now, she's here as a guest. I wonder why.

"Guide her here," I said to my staff.

While waiting for her to arrive, I prepared some coffee. It's not as good as Yan's but it's decent.

Do I want to reveal the fact that I'm Canine? Maybe. It depends on the conversation we will have.

"Welcome, Garden. It's been a while. You haven't come to the night events as much as usual," I said.