Chapter 416

I took out the small photograph from the watch and look at it.

"Who is she? Is she Yan's daughter?" Garden asked.

"That's likely. Is there a note behind the picture? Nope. Only the picture. I guess this is what so important for Yan," I said.

The little girl in the picture with a huge smile on her face looks like she's from East Asian just like Yan. That's why we thought that she's his daughter.

Normally, I would have just return the watch to its owner right away. Then maybe I'll ask Yan about the girl in the picture. Maybe he will tell or maybe he won't. If he won't tell me, then I will just forget about it.

But the girl in the picture seems familiar to me. I feel like I recognized her but I don't know it for sure.

I have met a lot of East Asian girls so I'm not sure which one. But I feel like I know this girl. And I trust my gut feelings.