The Unconventional Wind and Thunder Fist

Upon hearing these words, everyone was stunned!

Subsequently, their gazes towards Ye Bai became even more jealous.

To be protected so staunchly by Eldest Senior Sister Su, Ye Bai was the only one in the entire Heavenly Sword Sect who had achieved such a feat.

What exactly did this guy possess that could attract Eldest Senior Sister Su?

Zhao Le felt a mix of envy and jealousy, fueling a deep hatred within him.

Her protective attitude towards Ye Bai had already deeply wounded his pride. Little did he know, Ye Bai himself felt a bit strange, unable to help but wonder if this was what it felt like to live off someone else’s success.

The thought left Ye Bai unsure of what to say. Experiencing something he had never encountered in his past life, he was truly enjoying this feeling... if only no one disturbed him.

With a grim expression, Zhao Le said, “Ye Bai, if you dare refuse, I guarantee that your days in the sect will be far from pleasant!”

“Zhao Le, how dare you threaten a disciple of the sect?” Su Xue’s gaze turned completely icy.

At this moment, Ye Bai suddenly felt a bit embarrassed and said, “Well, I didn’t say that I wouldn’t accept your challenge, but I was just thinking, what if I accidentally kill you? That would be a grave sin.”

“What are you saying?!”

Zhao Le’s expression turned ugly, and he sneered, “Do you still think you can defeat me?”

“Whether or not I can defeat you, let’s find out through a friendly match. Only then will we know,” Ye Bai replied noncommittally with a faint smile.

Unable to contain her worry, Su Xue said, “Junior Brother Ye, please don’t force yourself.”

“Senior Sister, rest assured, I won’t do anything I’m not confident about.”

Perhaps Ye Bai’s confident smile gave Su Xue some reassurance, as she nodded without saying anything further.

A trace of maliciousness flashed in Zhao Le’s eyes. He was consumed by jealousy to the point of madness.

After all these years, who had ever seen Su Xue care so much about a man?

The hearts of the other onlookers were filled with lamentation.

They all knew that it seemed Eldest Senior Sister Su had truly been captivated by this useless Ye Bai.

However, the thought of Ye Bai soon being beaten to a pulp made many people excited.

Some even maliciously thought, if Ye Bai was so useless and pathetic, would Eldest Senior Sister Su really like such a waste?



On the martial stage, Ye Bai and Zhao Le stood about two meters apart.

Surrounded by disciples eagerly watching the spectacle, Su Xue stood alone at the forefront.

She had already made up her mind that she would not let anything happen to Ye Bai, even if it meant breaking the rules and saving him later.

Although she knew Ye Bai was definitely not an ordinary person, his cultivation level was still there, so Su Xue didn’t believe he could defeat Zhao Le.

The other disciples were discussing among themselves.

“Who do you think will win?”

“Isn’t that obvious? It will definitely be Senior Brother Zhao. Do you really think this waste Ye Bai stands a chance?”

“A useless waste who couldn’t even successfully cultivate at the first level of Qi Condensation. He doesn’t even deserve to compete with Senior Brother Zhao. Even I could beat him to a pulp!”

“Exactly, I can’t bear to watch anymore. Ye Bai will definitely suffer, greatly suffer.”

“Hmph, some people always try to act tough despite their incompetence. Even so, it’s Ye Bai who brought this upon himself.”

Among all the disciples present, not a single one had any faith in Ye Bai.

Naturally, Zhao Le’s face revealed a sense of self-satisfaction and cruelty.

He coldly said, “Ye Bai, everyone must understand what they should and shouldn’t do. You were originally a waste, yet you foolishly aspired for greatness. That is your most foolish aspect, and today you will pay the price for your foolishness!”

“Can you stop babbling and get on with it? Can we start?”

Ye Bai felt somewhat speechless and bored. Zhao Le, infuriated and embarrassed, shouted, “If you want to die, I’ll grant your wish with the Wind and Thunder Fist!”

After speaking, Zhao Le assumed a stance, his fist swiftly striking towards Ye Bai’s chest like a gust of wind.

Though called the Wind and Thunder Fist, there was no wind or thunder.

However, as soon as his inner essence reached its peak, a flash of silver light unexpectedly flickered above Zhao Le’s fist.

The onlookers immediately erupted in excitement.

“Wow, Senior Brother Zhao actually unleashed the most powerful Wind and Thunder Fist! How formidable, how extraordinary!”

“This time Ye Bai is truly in trouble. I believe he will be completely defeated.”

“But he brought it upon himself. He simply doesn’t know his place, unable to discern who he can provoke and who he cannot.”

“We’re just here to watch the show. Ye Bai, a waste like him, is from a completely different world than us.”

Amidst the chatter, it seemed that Ye Bai’s fate had already been sealed.

As Zhao Le’s fist approached Ye Bai’s chest, mere inches away, everyone held their breath, their eyes fixed on the scene, afraid to miss a single moment.

Su Xue grew anxious.

Seeing Ye Bai standing motionless as if in a daze, she stomped her foot, preparing to go and save him.

However, just as she was about to step forward, she suddenly noticed a hint of a mocking smile at the corner of Ye Bai’s mouth.

Immediately after, his body moved.

“Wind and Thunder Fist!”

Ye Bai’s voice resounded deeply as his fists crossed, colliding with Zhao Le’s Wind and Thunder Fist.

Yet, compared to Zhao Le’s, this time there were faint traces of wind swirling around Ye Bai’s fists.

What’s more, in the air, there was a faint sound of thunderous explosions!


The fists clashed, and the next moment, just as Zhao Le was about to smirk and deliver a devastating blow to Ye Bai, his expression froze.

The surging inner essence, like a raging beast, instantly engulfed his arm.

The wind howled, as if invisible blades, cutting through his hand, leaving behind sharp wounds that faintly sparkled with bursts of electricity.


Zhao Le’s face contorted, as if driven mad, clutching his injured hand.

However, at this moment, Ye Bai’s fist crushed his own like crumbling decay!

In an instant, Zhao Le’s right hand was completely mangled, a mess of flesh and blood!

The air suddenly grew quiet, and the disciples around them were left gaping in astonishment, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Zhao Le had actually been defeated! And Ye Bai had actually won!

Moreover, he had achieved this victory in such a straightforward and convincing manner! This world was truly insane!

Many people began to doubt their own eyes, but upon hearing Zhao Le’s wailing and witnessing his clearly ruined and bloodied right hand, they all knew that this was real, and they weren’t dreaming!