Understanding the conception

However, his body appeared withered, his skin dry, and his figure frail, as if all moisture had evaporated from him.

What was most terrifying was the crimson hue that enveloped his body, as though he had been immersed in blood for an extended period.


His severely deformed body collapsed to the ground, and City Lord Zhang’s gaze was filled with despair and terror, his final moments shrouded in mystery.

Yes, he was dead.

Silently, Ye Bai observed this scene, exhaling a breath of relief. At this moment, his life-threatening crisis had finally been averted.


In the next instant, another sound of someone falling echoed from behind him. Ye Bai turned his head and saw that the cultivator with the surname Wang had also turned completely red, his body shriveled, and he fell rigidly to the ground.

The expression on his face was one of extreme despair and disbelief.