The Football Club

Emmy moves to the back of the school building where students normally refers to as school2. This is where students normally do all sort of things away from the eyes of teachers and other government officials. Emmy knew there were always much students here, he didn't plan to go there and join them, but he planned to stay away from the eyes of everyone till lunch is over and that's what he had done.

Emmy walked past school2 and walked into the bush behind the building. Many students had seen him from far but they couldn't see the face of the person because he didn't turn his head and just continues to move forward. Getting inside the bush, he walks towards a large tree and without hesitation, he scaled the tall tree and sat on the thick branch where he could see a better view of school2 and what the students were doing.

"These spoilt brats, what are they doing." He said as he saw a group of five second year students both male and female behind a large metallic sphere away from the eyes of others.


About twenty minutes later, Emmy descended the tree as he could see some students moving out of the school2, so he knew lunch time is over and it's time for them to go to their various club. Not wasting any more time, he ran towards the east region of the school where a large field could be seen up ahead.

The field is about 236cm long and 187cm wide, the goalpost is about 35 feet tall and 65 feet wide. It was full light green grass, or to be more precise, there's a large light green carpet laid across the field which looks like a green grass to the outside.

The field was empty, but the gate was wide opened; this was because nobody is allowed to entered the training ground of any club when it's not time to train, but once it's time for training, each door or gate of the training ground would be wide open.

This field can be classified as a rank B school field; this is not a national stadium or a local stadium where local team will have match. This is a school field and it's being classified as a rank B school field, the highest ranked school field in Green city. School field are separated from stadium because they're only used by students.

Stadium are being ranked based on their settings, which includes, the size of the field, the environment, the level of equipment in the stadium and how comfortable it is. A+ is the highest rank a stadium can be. In football, players are also classified based on their skills and improvement. In the general world, humans are ranked based on the level of their ability, but it's not the same in football.

Although, footballers are also ranked based on their level of ability, but in the football world, there's what is known as 'Class' which determine the level of players. They are; Amateur, Rookie, Semipro, Pro, Elite, Star and Legend. These classes are being classified based on their skills, as a player improve, they evolve from one class to another. This is what makes them different from ordinary humans. But this specialization is not only for footballers, other athlete can also evolve from one class to another, including martial arts.

In the Lindsay Academy; both athletics and martial artist, there are a lot of students who are at the Rookie class while some in Semipro, at the same time, Emmy and some other students are at the Amateur class.

Emmy walked in and moves towards a small cover where there's a large metallic chair under the cover, and a few meters away from the cover, a large stair could be seen that led underground and a large gate was at the front. The same site could be seen at the other side of the field, Emmy sat on the chair under the cover and brought a book from his storage device. He's the only one around because others were either in the class still playing around or were on their way to the field.

A few minutes later, people started entering the field through the front gate, they're all first year, second year and third year students, and among them was John and his group.

"Hey, isn't that dumpling over there." A tall boy said and they all turn around and they could see Emmy sitting under the cover reading a book.

"Has he been staying here during lunch." Ben said as they all move towards him.

"Hey dumpling." John called out with a smile on his face and Emmy had quickly dropped the book he was reading on the floor but before it touched ground, a long hand had caught it midair.

"I think I got this." The tall boy among them said as he hands retracted back to him still holding onto the book. Emmy's leg was slightly shaking from where he's sitting but others didn't notice this.

"Huh, I didn't see you in class during lunch, where were you." John asked.

"Ehm, ehm, hmm." Emmy don't know what to say as his mouth was quivering like he was cold.

"I guess the answer is what I'm thinking, so you decided to run out of the class because you don't want to buy food for us today." John said as he moves closer to him. "But I was wondering where you went to and don't tell me you were here during lunch."

As John moves closer to him, his heart was racing faster than ever, his legs were trembling and the pressure had increased over him.

"What's going on there." They all heard a voice from behind and they turned around, John had quickly move back and the others did the same as they saw a tall bright skin boy with light blue hair.

"Captain." They all said as the boy moves towards them.

"What's happening here John." He asked.

"Huh nothing, we were just coming in so we decided to sit here with Emmy." John replied. The captain looked over Emmy who had his head down.

"Okay, you should all follow me." The captain said as he walks towards the stair that led underground and they all follow him including Emmy. Bringing out a bunch of keys from his trouser, he flips it a few times before selecting a curve key and plug it into the lock before the gate was wide open.

Walking through the stair, it was a long curve stair that turned 180 degrees backward, another gate could be seen as they walk through the last step; the captain did the same thing opening the gate with another key and a room could be seen in sight. It was a complete dark room but as they stepped in, it started to lit up and different large containers could be seen on all angles. The room looks like a hallway that led to the other side, but it was very wide and as they move further in, there were different locked door on either side of the room.

The captain walks towards a container and place one of keys in the lock, after unlocking it, he started bringing out different black sac; there were five sacs in total and the boys started moving it to the field.

After moving the five sacks to the field, they untie it and started dropping each of the contents on the field where there were different grades of football, sport cone, training bibs and sport shirt of different color, training boots and hoses. All of these are their training equipment, and as they were dropped onto the floor, every one of them started picking different sport shirt, boots and hoses and they were quick putting it on.

All of this equipment and kits were strange and have advanced out of imagination; the students were quick to put on their kits because it's stress less, the sport shirts and shorts, the boots and hoses doesn't require the person to put them on themselves, all they need to do is to remove their school uniform and each of the equipment they picked will attach itself to the person. All of this was the work of human advance and their unimaginable technology.

The captain also put on his kits after everyone else, they weren't shy to remove their uniform because they all had underwear inside, and the field was full of boys, the girls were in a separate cover at the right side of their own cover, they were also putting on their kits and after they are done, they all moved back to them.

The sacs were moved to the back of the cover as they were nothing inside now, the bibs were pack together on one chair as they were not in used now, and all the students were starting to play with each of the ball, they were all doing warm up. Everyone has one ball each except Emmy who was behind the captain helping him to arrange the cone, some were doing normal exercise and stretching while some were just doing ball work.

There were about one hundred and fifty students, both boys and girls while there were more than five hundred balls on the field. It was an amazing feat for the sac as small as that to be able to take in five hundred or so balls. Emmy didn't participate in the ball work as others were doing because he had some people on his back and he knew he couldn't avoid them while the captain is busy arranging the cone, so he decided to help the captain and join the warm up when he's done. If the captain was watching them, they wouldn't dare to do anything to him. And he doesn't want Lord Lucifer to take over his body again and cause him trouble.