Two Different Crime

In Lindsay Academy, students walk into their various classes as they come to school, tension was rising in one class as students keep coming in, a particular student could not be seen and it was making the whole class unsettled.

In senior class 2C, Emmy's class mates were all waiting for him to come, John and his gang were also in the class eagerly glancing at the window trying to find Emmy.

"Do you think that bastard won't come to school today." A tall boy sitting beside Ben asked, John just keep staring at Emmy's seat.

"He dare not, we have Economics test today, so he won't want to miss it." Ben replied.

"Even if he didn't come today, he's just postponing the inevitable, unless he decided to drop out of school." John said without taking his gaze away from Emmy's desk.

Other students were also wondering why their class well known dumpling hasn't come to school yet, they all knew he isn't the type to skip school, so the only thing they could think of was the event of yesterday. Many of them had come early to school today just to see Emmy and the fate that will befall him today, but to their disappointment, the main character of the event hasn't come to school yet.

Emmy committed two different crime yesterday to different people in his class. If it's another person, it isn't a crime but to the dumpling of their class, it's a great crime.

The first was him calling Nick and Nado Bastard in their face in front of the whole class. If the tale was narrated to them, they wouldn't have believed it but this happened in the presence of the whole class. They all thought Emmy will meet his death immediately, but he was spare at that moment till lunch period because of their test.

And when it was lunch that Nick and Nado were ready to pounce on him, John intervened at the last seconds, saying Emmy should get lunch for them first before the two friends deal with him.

Others thought it's a good logic, they already knew Emmy might not be able to get up after he was dealt with, so him getting lunch for them first is a great logic.

And this is where the second crime came in, after gathering each student's money to get lunch for them, John collected all the money from Emmy and ask him to pay for the lunch with his own money. If it was the time when Emmy was still living in his house, he would've done it with no problem, but now that he has no money with him, he thought the best option was for him to sneak out of the school and face the consequence the following day. The system also encouraged him to sneak out of school.

Nobody ever thought this will happen, because Emmy has never disobeyed anybody in his class, not to talk of John who acted as the king. After the students waited for several hours waiting for Emmy to bring back their lunch, a few students were even sent downstairs to check on him, but they didn't find him. And they all discovered that Emmy has left the school, the students turned to John and immediately, he returned their money to them.

Dumpling disobeying John has angered him greatly, and he promised the class that the bastard will lost one of his legs today. And this made many of them to be excited, they all thought it would be eventful, John will deal with Emmy and Nick with Nado also hasn't forgiven him, they knew today will be the judgement day, but as they all come to school today, they were disappointed as they hadn't seen Emmy yet, but not fully disappointed as they all hoped he will come later because he isn't the type to skip school.

Alice was also wondering what happened that he hasn't come to school yet, but the only thing she could think of was that Emmy was afraid, he was afraid of the consequences of everything that happened yesterday. Him cursing Nick and Nado, disobeying John and Alice capturing him as a criminal. All of that was enough for him to think twice, if he should come to school or not.

Little did they know that Emmy was currently lying peacefully on the floor in his so called home, enjoying the sleep he hasn't enjoyed for a while.


After the initial passed out, Emmy didn't know what happened next, he didn't even know if he died or not, but the only thing he is sure of was that the damn creature was dead because the system confirmed it for him before he passed out and he saw it with his own eyes as the creature fell.

Several hours passed with him still lying unconsciously on the floor, Jone had taken some healing pills for himself and used the remaining on him with the cold water that was left behind by Alice. And after six hours of unconsciousness, it was already morning and he came back to life but he's still sleeping peacefully.

All his physical injury had healed up but the same could not be said to his internal injuries and his mental strain, so he really need a good sleep in order to come back to normal. The previous day had been a long and tough one for him and Jone, so they really deserve a rest.

At sunset, the sleeping beauty finally woke up, he looked around a few time trying to process and make sense of his surroundings, he's lying in a large room, a rough brown ceiling was above him with half dried black liquid splattered all over the ceiling, he could see that the half dried black liquid was everywhere in the room and also on his body, he was painted with the black liquid.

"So, it isn't a dream after all, I really fought a strange creature yesterday night." He thought. At first he thought he was dead but after looking around the room and could see that it was familiar, he thought the fighting scene was a dream until he saw the creature's black blood all around the room.

"But where is that abomination of a thing, did it escape?" He said as he couldn't see the creature again, he was supposed to see its dead body lying a few metres away from him, but instead, a pool of black blood could be seen at where the creature's body was supposed to be lying, but there's also a small bloody foot print that doesn't belong to human and nor was it that of the creature.

The footprint started from the pool of black blood and led outside the room to the hallway. He doesn't know who or what it belongs to, but after looking around the room and not sighting Jone, he suspected that the print might belongs to his dog.

Straining his stressed and tired body, he stood up and followed the black blood footprint, when he got to the hallway, the print has changed, it doesn't look like a footprint anymore, the print on the hallway doesn't have shape, it looks like a gargantuan carcass had been dragged on the hallway, and instead of the print to lead down to the staircase, it led deep into the hallway.

"Did Jone tried to disposed the body?"

Following the large shapeless print, he met himself inside a room that was about 20 metres away from the one he resided in. He could see Jone in the room and not just Jone, but the corpse of the strange creature was lying there in a pool of black blood and Jone was busy devouring the fallen gargantuan carcass, Jone was painted with the same black blood. It's a strange sight, seeing a dog as tiny as Jone devouring the carcass of a creature as large as this.

'Jone is eating that bastard? When does he started consuming living creature?' He was surprised and scared, who knows, maybe his dog is already going wild and might turn out to be like the crazy creature.

'I shouldn't think like that, I should be happy, the bastard deserves to be eaten by Jone.'

Little did he know that when Jone was lost in the street tunnel, the dog had fought different swarm of wild rats in the tunnel and eating the corpse of those he killed, it seems to get stronger and that's what kept the dog going and found its way out of the tunnel.

As Jone saw him, it quickly ran over to him and do as if it was trying to hug him, Emmy bent down and patted the dog. Then stood up and started walking out, the sight was making him hungry, he can't wait to get a good food.