'How? How did I get in here?'

Emmy woke up in the middle of the night and found himself in the room of the uncompleted building, Jone was also with him lying at the entrance of the door and keeping an eye on his master at the same time. The dog was not sleeping.

'Was it Jone that took me in?'

Dumbfounded, he made his mind traveled back to the start of the event, he remembered clearly how he got football in the convenient store and then bumped into Caleb and his two friends. He was attack and tried to fight back. He didn't even last five minutes before he was taken down and Caleb started wiping him with an ancient chain until he passed out.

But before he passed out, he remembered that the last stroke that was supposed to hit him was somehow interrupted by some screams that only lasted for a dozen seconds before everything went silence.

'I also saw a figure.'

He didn't know but he could swear that he saw a vague figure in front of him before he passed out, the figure was different from that of the three boys that attacked him because it didn't emanate any feeling of hatred towards him.

'Or was it all a dream?'

That would make so much sense, it's currently the middle of the night after all.

But Emmy couldn't get the feeling of doubt off him, how could it be a dream, he left this room in the evening to the convenient store. So it's possible that he's just waking up after his pass out. But how the hell did he get in here, even the bruises on his body was no more. It doesn't make any sense if it's not a dream.

There's only one way to confirm though.

Emmy tried to summon his sword but nothing came out. He remembered that he had summoned the sword at that time when trying to fight the tall boy, but it was lost when he got hit by the third boy who had an invisibility ability.

And now, he tried to summon the sword but it's not appearing, which means it had really lost.

He also summoned the ball he got in the convenient store which had immediately appeared in front of him.

Not satisfied, Emmy opened the system window and saw an unread message.

'It's not a dream after all.'

He had received a quest that required him to escape when he was trapped in the middle of the boys, so if the event is truly a dream, there shouldn't have been a message relating to the quest on the system, either it's completed or not.

But somehow, Emmy found unread messages on the system stating that he had completed the quest, that was because he was saved by someone and thus, the system counted it that he escaped the wrath of the boys.

[Quest Completed]

[Reward have been granted]

[+50 Exp]

[+5 AP]

He had received 50 Exp and 5 attributes point for completing the quest. Someone had saved him at the last moment and the person also brought him home, he was also given healing pills.

But who's the person who did such a thing?

'It's has to be her, she's the one.'

There's only one person who knew where Emmy lives, Alice - his class president. Apart from her, there's no one else, so he had to think she's the one who had saved him.

She saved him for the second time.

'But how the hell did she take the three boys out in a matter of seconds and how did she know I was in trouble. Or perhaps, she's stalking me.'

He knew Alice is powerful, powerful enough to take on John and with her ice power, she's formidable. But he couldn't create the image of her taking on those three boys in a matter of seconds. One has the ability of electric, the other two have the ability to duplicate and turn invisible.

With their three abilities combined, they can even take on a Rookie. So, Emmy couldn't help but think it's impossible for Alice to take on the three of them in that short time. Even with an expected attacked.

'Or maybe someone was with her.'

That's the only reasonable thought that satisfied him.

'So, what's going to happen in school tomorrow.'

He don't know whether he should thank her when he got to school tomorrow or not but he can leave that till tomorrow because now, he had to solve what's on ground.

He's hungry...

'Damn, she should've fed me some snacks before she leaves.'

Raising his head a little to sit on his butt, Jone ran over to him giving him what could be define as a hug.

Emmy summoned a box full of French roasted potatoes and a chilled fruit juice. He's currently living on the food he got from that boy.

Consuming the whole potatoe with Jone, Emmy let out a satisfied belch after he greedily drank the fruit juice. He remained in the same position for some minutes waiting for the food to settle down, like those rich bastard will say.

Satisfied, Emmy got on his feet decided to move to his usual place of sleep. But something fell from his body as soon as he got up.

The room is dark so he couldn't see what it was, making sure that it's not the box of the food he just consumed, Emmy summoned the lamp Alice had gifted him on the first day she helped him.

The lamp, he couldn't take the risk of always using it to illuminate the room because it will reflect outside and it might attract unwanted attention especially since he know there are visitors that come here every night. That's why he stopped himself from using it as a source of light every night, and since the moon light reflected some part of the room at its brightest, he had no problem sleeping without the lamp.

But now, he needed an extra source of light to find what has fell from his body.

Bringing the lamp down, he saw something that laid flat on the surface of the floor.

'What's this and how did it get here?'

Picking it up, it turns to be a rectangular card. Someone's information and address was displayed on the card.

"A business card?"

It turns out to be a business card and the card belongs to a woman, a woman who's at the Elite class. Her business type, name and address was displayed on the card.

'How did this card got here.'

There's something else with the card. A small paper that was wrapped around the card and it has a few words written on it, the first one in block letters and bold.


"VACANCY?" Emmy repeated the word.

And the rest was;

*No age restriction*

"Does that mean they're opened for employment with no barrier on age? Damn, I need to go to this place tomorrow and apply for the job, I can't let this opportunity slip away."

Excited, Emmy had immediately forgotten the thought of finding how the card had gotten in here, instead he was happy and thinking of how he would apply for the job. He couldn't let it slip away.

After all, not all job has no barrier on age and it's even hard to find one without a barrier.