36 Lions

The match ended - just like that, it was like a one-sided match, as if Future Star United dominated their opponent and it was true. The match taking place in the second stadium also ended almost at the same time with 1 - 0 being the final score. Wild Tigers had taken the win with 1 goal while Young Starlet is null.

The next match begin after five minutes of little chat among the commentators, they shared their opinions on the match that just ended and their thought on the upcoming match.

{It seems this tournament would be more interesting than the previous ones. Future Star had completely obliterated Maltese United by 5 to 0 goals, Wild Tigers struggled to take the lead against Young Starlet by 1 to 0 goals. And now the next two matches would unfold in the next few minutes}

{Here we have United Squad against 36 Lions from group C, now we'll see what 36 Lions that seems to possess the most threaten energy can do. And then we have Lux City against Law Enforcer from group D, their match would be taking place in the second stadium}

The commentator announced.

{So sad I wouldn't be able to witness Law Enforcer enforce their law}

{Well I wouldn't want to miss to witness the power of the so-called 36 Lions}

The two commentators joked as the players walk onto the field.

United Squad had the first pass, their formation is 4-3-3 with their two tall wingers at the front and one of the boys from Emmy's school being the striker. Emmy himself is at the mid field, playing as the attacking mid fielder with the captain and a short robust boy supporting him. And then they have their four defenders.

Their opponent also use the same formation, 4-3-3 with each of their players standing firm in their position including their keeper, they had no hint of worry in their face. Their four defenders stood with fiery flame burning in the depth of their eyes.

Emmy shiver as he look straight into the eyes of the one closer to him.

'Killer, he's a killer.'

And at the same time, he received a message from his system.

'Arghh, hope it's not something impossible.'

[Two Tournament Quest have been issued]

[1. Team Tournament Quest

2. Individual Tournament Quest]

[Tournament Quest: The most goal in this tournament should come from your team and secure a position for your team in the selected three]

[Reward: ???]

'Huh, my team should have the most goal and qualify for the local league? That's not impossible but damn it, there are many deadly team here with dangerous players. '

[Individual Tournament Quest: Be known among the promising players at the end of the tournament]

[Reward: ???]

'Funny, even without the quest I already planned to make that happen and now you just gave me more reason.'

Emmy grins. These quests align with his existing ambitions. He's determined to achieve both, even amidst the fierce competition. The rewards remain mysterious, but the thrill of the challenge propels him forward.

The message didn't stop there, it seems he received a quest for the match that was about to unfold but before he could read the next message, he was interrupted by the hit of a fiery ball with dangerous flame swelling around it. The ball hit him straight in the head making him lose balance and fell.

'Damn it.'

He didn't even know that the match have started.

"Emmy, what the hell are you doing."

The captain yelled at him as he chase after the ball which was to no avail because one of the opponent players has already appeared before him.

"What's the referee doing, licking his whistle? Why won't he blow for that, it's clearly an offensive attack."

Emmy shouted back at the captain still struggling to stand up.

Of course, the captain didn't have time to answer him, he was still running after the opponent who had gained the ball.

Different abilities are allowed in football, players can coat their ability with the ball, they can strike with their ability, defend with their ability and attack the ball with their ability but it's a foul to attack other players with their ability.

Emmy was hoping that the referee would blow for him but he was wrong because the ball was not intentionally played at him, he was the one who stood still after the match began 5 minutes ago and thus, it's not a foul.

Before he could get up though, he heard....


'Fuck, how??'

Looking at the time board, he saw it has been five minutes the match began.

His heart raced as the crowd erupted in cheers. The goal had caught him off guard, and he cursed himself for his momentary lapse. His teammates stared at him, their expressions a mix of frustration and concern. The captain's voice cut through the chaos.

"Emmy, what were you doing? Don't tell me you're scared of them," the captain said, his tone laced with anger and fear.

"I apologize," Emmy replied, his voice steady. "I was distracted. It won't happen again."

The coach observed from a distance, listening to the spectators' comments. They criticized Emmy, questioning his presence on the field. But the coach knew removing him wasn't an option. They needed every player they had.

The match continue, Emmy didn't know how the opponent quickly gained the ball after the first pass but he's not allowing the same thing to happen again.

The striker tossed the ball back to the midfield for the players to pass among themselves, stopping the ball as it move towards him, Emmy stood calmly and look around a few times.

He didn't want to pass the ball back in fear that their opponent would choke them if they mistakenly move the ball back, so he passed it back to the striker who was already moving forward.

Or rather, he thought he pass the ball because he simply kicked nothing but air, the ball move away from his leg, moving forward and then he felt a gust of wind brushed against his cheek.


Somehow, their opponents have the ball again. The gust of wind was 36 Lions striker, he kicked the ball back for his teammates.

The ball move flawlessly among the 36 Lions players moving it towards their opponent goalpost. United Squad are also doing their best, not giving them any chance to move the ball past their defense lane, they used all their stamina, strength and ability to stop their opponent from scoring another goal, but they can't do that for long because their energy is depleting by the seconds and their opponent's energy seems to be eternal because they haven't even break a sweat.

It's almost as if they're playing with them, funnily enough, it's just 25th minutes since the match started and it already felt like 25th hours for United Squad players.

What helped them the most is their teamwork and resilient, their teamwork helped them in stopping their opponent.

Or so they thought, because all of a sudden, their opponent's playing style changed. After the first goal occurred, their opponent have been struggling in entering United Squad defense lane, all of their attempts were obliterated by their teamwork but everything changed now.

It didn't change because United Squad players are tired, it changed because 36 Lions have been teasing them since the match began, they're not playing a serious game with them and now, they're doing so.

36 Lions playing style have turned fierce, each of their shot holding a million thousands of weight, it get to the point were the ball was turned to a lion, a fiery lion with flames burning around it.

Goals kept on entering United Squad post like they have no keeper.

They were destroyed.

Emmy stayed in one place and sighed.

'We can't defeat them.'

'At least for now.'

He had been studying them from the start of the match and he had figured out that their opponent were not playing a serious game with them and thus, he had been studying and at the same time keeping his energy.

What's the point of wasting his energy when he knew they're playing a lost match.

Now that he know their true style, although not sure if that's their true style but still, with it stored in his system, he would practice it, train with his teammates and use it against their opponent. Or even use it against 36 Lions themselves when they have the opportunity to face each other again.

The match ended with 9-0, 36 Lions have completely destroyed United Squad.