Tournament Table

The match ended with 4-1 being the final result, Azure Waves players were in somber mood, some of them were even crying. Not only have they faced a defeat but they're at the bottom of the table in their group, they have lost two matches in a roll and thus, they have no chance of qualifying for the quarter final.

The same could not be said for their opponent, United Squad, they're rather in a great mood.

Of course, they'll be, after all they just won a match, not only that but winning also gave them the chance of qualifying for the quarter final, one of their players also made a great appearance by scoring hat trick and playing a crazy free kick to conclude the final result of the match.

They're in a great mood.

Other matches were also played before everyone left, they all played their second match today, there were wins, draws and loses. Many cried because today's match has already decided their fate of qualifying into the quarter final, although the deciding match is still on Saturday which is their third match but some of them already knew their fate while for some of them, the third match will determine their fate.

Among the former is Azure Waves and some other teams, they've already lost two matches so winning the third one won't even help them, and among the latter are United Squad and Stark FC, they both have one loss and one win.

United Squad loss against 36 Lions and won against Azure Waves, Stark FC also loss against 36 Lions and won against Azure Waves.

Really, it's funny.

The results of today's matches were displayed in the great hall.

Future Star United vs. Dominion FC. 1-1

Maltese United vs. Roland FC 0-2

Young Starlet vs. Golden Griffin 3-0

Wild Tigers vs. Holy City. 3-0

United Squad vs. Azure Waves. 4-1

36 Lions vs. Stark FC. 7-0

Starlight Legion vs. Lux City. 1-0

Super Bien vs. Law Enforcer. 2-3

That was the result for today's match, it seems 36 Lions are really invincible or maybe their opponent are just too weak but while in the great hall, everyone were unable to keep their eyes off them as they look at the result, all of their players stood out with oppressive aura.

The next fixtures have already been made and the table for each group with their points have been scripted out. It was also displayed in the great hall.

Group A.

Team Pl. W. D. L. GD. Pts.

Future Star United 2 1 1 0 5 4

Dominion FC 2 1 1 0 0 4

Roland FC. 2 1 0 1 1 3

Maltese United 2 0 0 2 -7 0

Maltese United already knew their fate, Roland FC still have a chance while Future Star and Dominion position is not secured.

Group B.

Team. Pl. W. D. L. GD. Pts.

Wild Tigers 2 2 0 0 4 6

Young Starlet 2 1 0 1 2 3

Golden Griffin. 2 1 0 1 -1 3

Holy City 2 0 0 2 -5 0

Group C.

Team. Pl. W. D. L. GD. Pts.

36 Lions 2 2 0 0 16 6

Stark FC. 2 1 0 1 -4 3

United Squad. 2 1 0 1 -6 3

Azure Waves. 2 0 0 2 -5 0

Stark FC had the same points with United Squad but their goal difference is not the same, 36 Lions have a secured their position, qualification is sure for them.

Group D.

Team. Pl. W. D. L. GD. Pts.

Starlight Legion 2 1 1 0 1 4

Law Enforcer 2 1 1 0 1 4

Super Bien 2 0 1 1 -1 1

Lux City. 2 0 1 1 -1 1

The next fixtures was displayed right after the table, everyone now knew what was to befall them.

Group A:

Maltese United vs. Dominion FC

Roland FC vs. Future Star United

Group B:

Holy City vs. Young Starlet

Golden Griffin vs. Wild Tigers

Group C:

36 Lions vs. Azure Waves

Stark FC vs. United Squad

Group D:

Super Bien vs. Lux City

Starlight Legion vs. Law Enforcer

Different kinds of emotion emanated in the great hall, there were somber mood, great mood, determination and so on, even without playing the third match some of them have already qualify and at the same time some of them have been eliminated with or without the third match while for many of them, the third match means a lot.

"We need to analyze the two matches Stark FC have played thoroughly."

United Squad coach said as they leave the great hall heading for their bus.

The bus move swiftly as they calmly analyze Stark FC matches, they've already analyzed their first match which was against Azure Waves but they still decided to go through it again. The match was tough for both teams.

Their final result was 2-1 with Stark FC taking the lead and funnily enough, Azure Waves had the first score but after Stark FC returned the favor for them, everything started going wrong for Azure Waves, just like their match against United Squad, their style turned desperate after they conceded a goal and they lose composure leading to their defeat.

"You see why this people can never rise to the top."

The coach said after they've gone through the match.

"I bet 36 Lions will give them up to 15-0."

Kai commented.

Analyzing Stark FC match against 36 Lions, it was almost the same as their match against those beasts, Stark FC was given 7-0.

36 Lions played the same style against them, scoring the first goal at the start of the match and using the first half to tease them. But unlike United Squad, Stark FC were not powerless against them, they did their best not to make the match seem one sided like that of United Squad but still, they failed to score one goal and also failed to defend seven goals.


"36 Lions are really a beast, I hope we don't meet them again in the future."

Kai said, then hid himself behind the chair when the coach gave him a fierce look.

When the two analysis ended, they came up with a new tactics to used against Stark FC and then everyone left.


Getting home late at night, Emmy first check his system making sure that he had been granted the reward for completing the quest of defeating Azure Waves. The reward is 20 Exp taking his Exp to 85, he still needs a few more Exp to level up.

Emmy don't know why but his progress has been rather slow in ascension, the system is not really nice when it comes to Exp, he rarely receive it as a reward.

After confirming his reward, he took his shower and had a few discussion with Sunny as they are having their dinner. He's planning to get a job for Sunny or rather, a request made by Sunny. The boy has refused to go to school, so Emmy have been looking for a job to get for him after making the request.

They had their sleep not too long after their discussion ended.


For those who might not be familiar with football stuffs of don't know anything about the table, check Author's message for explanation.

Thank you!!!