20. A ray of HOPE.

"Do I really love him ?" Ava asked me.

"Ask yourself, what do you think ? " I said back with a smile

"I don't know ?" She said

"What do you see when you look at him ?" I asked

"I see myself. " she said

"Now ask the same question to yourself that you asked me." I said

"I still don't know." she said

"I know that you don't." I said

"So you please tell me." she pleaded

"Even, I don't know." I said

"Then who does ?" she asked

"Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction." I said

"But why should I? why not him ?" She asked

"Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion." I said

"Now I think I have helped you enough." I said with a smile

"NO, Wait, .... !" She said

And there, with a cloud of fragrant smoke, I vanished into nothing.

Wooo Hooo, Did you see that ....

Now, what do you guys say about my acting skills... Am I good enough to be in a movie? Yes, I know I am ... HeHe

But yeah, to all those who will say that I did wrong by lying to her ...

I didn't lie, I never lie ....

Whatever I answered was truth, and I also didn't spoil the little secret of my friend Lucifer ....

And I didn't tell her that I am some kind of spiritual power of anything like that ....

She assumed it herself, so technically, I should not be blamed of lying to Ava ....


Oh! it is 5:30, but why is Lucifer still sleeping,

Ahhh! I am not at Lucifer's house, I am at Ava's house ...

I guess I should go and see what Lucifer is doing as there is plenty of time left till Ava wakes up ....

And AaHaa, I will use my teleporting ability

Aaaaa HAAA Aaaa aAAAAAaaa

HaaaH, I am back at Lucifer's house. Let us see where he is ....

Lucifer , .... Lucifer , .... Where are you ?

Oh! there he is, how cute !!!.... he is feeding the cute angels. Yes, the cats he rescued ...

And yes, I want to tell you that the cats are now fully fit they are completely fine now ....

"Oh, my babies,.... you eat, and yes! don't trouble aunt Helem, okay ," Lucifer to his little two angels ....

Oh! how nice of Lady Helen. She is so sweet and kind ...

But does she co,e to Lucifer's house, or does Lucifer take the cats to her house .....

We will get to know that very soon .....

I really missed this house a lot. It feels like I have a connection with this house now .... and yes, my friend Lucifer, I was worried about you too .... I was doing your work..... And yes, i guess I succeeded ..

Aren't you going to say anything ...?

Oh! dang, I completely forgot that he is not able to hear me ...

So thank God, now I don't have to do this emotional drama .....

What did you guys think that I have grown an emotional connection... LoL, you were wrong ...

See, now do you agree that I can easily become an actor HaaaH ?

"Come on, my little angels, I will drop you two at Aunt Helen's house... Okay, and yes, be nice and do not irritate her ." Lucifer to her cats

Okay, so Lucifer takes the cats to Lady Helen's house for the day ....

Ohh! I completely forgot about Ava ....

It is her waking time, and I really need to see her reaction ...

Haah ! okay, so I am here ....

Ava is already awake, but she is still sitting in her bed ...

it seems that she is lost .... I guess it is my fault like because of the dream you know..... He He ....

"What was this dream ?" Ava to herself

"Such an uncanny dream it was ..." Ava talking to herself

"Aren't dreams made by our brains? If it is so, I dont think it was my brain because my brain won't ever be able to say those things ..."

Ava to herself

"Those words weren't ordinary words. Those were the words of wisdom.... pure wisdom and truth nothing else than that ..."

Yes, indeed, they were the words of wisdom, and they were mine ...

What!!, you guys don't believe me ...

Yes, you are right if you don't believe me ... These aren't my words ...

I read them in a book of Rumi ....

Well, why is it surprising that I have read books of Rumi or Buddha haah ?

What do you mean that I don't read books, haah ?

Well, you guys are absolutely right. I just read the books in Lucifer's house, like when he used to sleep, and I had nothing to do, so I just used to read the books ....

"His words have motivated me ..." Ava to herself

To confess your feelings, yessss ! MISSION SUCCESSFUL

"But i dont think that i should really confess so fast ..." Ava to herself


"Like yes, he gave all the answers to my questions, but he didn't tell me clearly if Lucifer also loved me or not ."

Ahhh!!! not again seriously. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Lucifer ..... I feel incomplete without him .... Time just flies by when I am with him ..... I understand him better than I understand myself ,.... I feel the pain in his eyes, which he is hiding from the world .... I hear all the things he wants to say but can't, I understand all his feelings except the feedings which are about me ... I know him ver well ..... maybe not him .... but definitely his soul .... But I don't know myself,...

I really hope that he knows me, my soul, and sees the pain in my eyes, I really hope that he hears all the things that are not spoken .....I just hope it is all about hope .... nothing but HOPE .. A slight Ray of HOPE..." Ava to herself ....

Wow, that was deep .....I am speechless..... See guys the effect of my words and my presence... LoL

"Whatever it is, I guess i will first build a strong friendship with him. After that, i will see what to do and what to not ..." Ava said to herself

Okay, that is alright also ....

"But who was the person in my dream ? was he even a human or not ?" Ava asked herself in the mirror...

Well, that was me ...

And I am NoT human.... wait ! what am I ?.... Who am I ?.

Stay tuned to find out what happens next ...

Also, please point out all the typos it will be appreciated highly.