
Everwhere at the End of Fantasies, The Sueno Finito; Good Morning

Of course, you already understood that everything happened exactly as it should... although no, wait just a second, I think it will be clearer to you if I use a more traditional type of narration...

[Reader] opens their eyes and looks around. [Reader] is in a huge library. They go to a mirror that someone conveniently placed nearby and look into it. In the reflection, [Reader] sees... Kai, a character from the story they just read, but not quite. The creature in the reflection is dressed in more modern clothes, in addition, black bars with the inscription "[Reader]" are flying across his face at different angles. This is strange, because [Reader] sees everything perfectly. Also, [Reader] is... colorless. Clothes, skin, hair, all these are just different shades of gray. Finally, [Reader] turns to the right, where, literally in the air, a young man sits. He looks exactly like Kai, but like [Reader] himself, he is dressed in more modern clothes – white shirt, black tie with orange outline, black jacket, black trousers... the inside of the jacket is yellow, as are the sleeves of the shirt that peek out from under the jacket . There is a slight smile on this man's face, but not the same as Kai's. This man's much friendlier.

–Welcome, [Reader], to the Library of Babel. I have been waiting for you. You must have a lot of questions. What is this place, who am I, and, in the end, what is The Sueno Finito, which is so beautifully located in the title of this... chapter. I will answer all these 3 questions at the same time. The character Kai in the book called "Storyverse"... you see, he was controlled by me most of the time. That's why I now use him as an avatar to talk to you. His powers to change the Narrative also come from me. But more on that later. When I spoke on behalf of Kai, I already explained what The Sueno Finito is... but it was more than ten chapters ago, and in general, it was said just a slip of a tongue. You don't mind if I repeat this, do you? At the theoretical point of development of civilization in the future, everything that could be imagined will already be imagined. Even fiction – everything that is possible will be written, down to combinations of the smallest details, such as names or titles. After this, creativity will cease to exist as a fact, because of which civilization will cease to develop, and fiction will disappear as such... this is The Sueno Finito. The Sueno Finito is all fiction, all Narrative layers. Everything that has been imagined over the entire existence of life on all Narrative layers... and even what has not yet been imagined. Everything you can possibly imagine. You can say something like "but my world is real, but I can still imagine it"... I'll leave that reasoning for later. All these fantasies are collected here, in the Library of Babylon. Everything that can be thought of in theory is on these shelves. And who am I, since I am here and was even able to invite you?... I am The Sueno Finito, but, of course, if it makes it easier for you, you can call me "Kai". Naturally, I have no personality, goal or similar, because I am, in basics, a collection of everything that could appear in the mind, so to communicate with you, [Reader], I will use the appearance and character of Kai Clain. Author, when writing Storyverse, did not even imagine that I was interfering... but this is natural. Author, like his entire Narrative layer, is just a small part of me... hmm, what are you saying? His world was real, because you are from there? Oh, that's funny. You see, [Reader]...what are you? Do you not know? So let me enlighten you. You are a compilation of all the entities that can imagine and read fiction... of course, you are a [Reader] only in the current context. You still have an individuality... or rather, countless individualities still exist within you. So, for example, there are probably those for whom the Narrative layer of the Author will be "real", because they live on it... but in reality, no matter how it sounds, there is no such thing as reality.

From somewhere out of sight, a girl appears, dressed in white and black maid clothes. She says without showing any emotion:

–I hope you understand that The Sueno Finito does not make mistakes, and it does all these self-corrections only for the sake of literary value.

The Sueno Finito, although it was far from this girl, without moving his hand, reached out to her and pushed her back out of sight.

–Please love and favor, this is Fortolienda. She is a Narrative Constant, of "All stories have an ending." This is not like Martha in Storyverse, because when Fortolienda forces a story to end, this story usually has a logical conclusion, it does not disappear from everyone's memory. If you have at least once seen the ending of a story, then, undoubtedly, she created this ending.

–And I'm also just an aspect of The Sueno Finito, which it is now trying to present as a separate personality, – Fortolienda's voice came from off-screen.

–Ahem. Speaking of Martha. You know about the Sea of Ideas, right?... you know, when I spoke on behalf of Kai, I never lied a single time... I just didn't say all the details from time to time. The Sea of Ideas is truly where those characters, worlds, stories, and in general everything that is not remembered at all the higher layers of the Narrative end up... but where does everything come from, if everything ultimately comes to the Sea of Ideas?

The Sueno Finito looked around the library with his hand.

–From here. Everything that can be thought of in theory is already written here. When someone comes up with something, even if it is completely unique and has never been invented in all layers of the Narrative... this someone is only taking something from the Library of Babel. All those fictional worlds that you read about... all of them are only an insignificant part of me, because even this Library, like all Narrative layers, is an immeasurably small part of The Sueno Finito... by the way, about "read". I call you "[Reader]"... but I'm not really. You see, depending on the individual who is now seeing or hearing these words, you can be a [Player], [Viewer]... or anyone, because the Storyverse on other Narrative layers may not be a book, but, let's say, a cartoon or a game. Of course, I am now speaking to [Reader], as a whole, to the entirety of it at the same time... but at the same time, I am also speaking to each individual individually. You see and hear different things. Also, the number of dimensions in the Library of Babel is different for everyone, who observes it, because it is always your number of dimensions, no matter how small or big the number is. After all, even the very concept of dimensions is only an infinitesimal part of me, and even the Narrative layers, where the number of dimensions is immeasurably greater than Cardinal Malo, is all part of The Sueno Finito... but all of this only matters for powerscaling, which is not so important for plot. Or maybe this is why you read Storyverse? To see "the next character who solos fiction"? But... why should I solo fiction if all the fiction is part of me? Why should I fight myself? But well, if this interests you... then I'll say this: For me, Author, his "real world", and even you, my dear [Reader], are just a fiction and a part of me. Sol and his ability to ignore the Narrative is also part of me, so I can easily influence him through the Narrative, despite he is immune to it. Even I myself am a part of myself. The Sueno Finito infinitely transcends itself, containing itself within itself, which creates a ladder of hierarchies above the very concept of hierarchies, because hierarchies and tiers are also concepts that can be imagined. Moreover, all the steps of this ladder are a single whole with all the others, although each one contains all the previous ones, and is part of the following. Isn't your brain buzzing yet? It's okay, I'm almost done. I have to say something up front. Don't be afraid of what happened in the epilogue. Although Author will continue to write and create more, it will not take away the happy life of Sol, Shubby, Gerda and others... at least in this version. You can always imagine a different ending, for example, a tragic one... after all, all the versions are here in Library of Babel. It doesn't matter. I'd rather not talk about it too much. In the end, it's better that I be the Gate and the Key to the world of fiction for you... and I didn't choose this wording by chance. Following basic logic, you might think that if I am the Gate and the Key, then who is the Blind Idiot God? Well, let me start with the fact that I am saying this only figuratively. In some ways, we are similar, I also contain all the Narrative layers within myself, which is why I am omnipresent and omniscient... by the way, [Reader], you are too... and now we come to the most interesting part. Let me remind you who the Blind Idiot God is. If you believe the books of one American writer, when Azathoth wakes up, reality will cease to exist, because it was just his dream... and waking up from it, they will understand that reality is boring and ordinary, that all those worlds and characters that he just read about... for him – is it just fiction. He will go out into the street, go to work and continue to live in this gray world, among 8 billion of the same blind idiots. Sooner or later, all residents of all Narrative layers will "wake up" like this... and fiction will cease to exist. Now do you understand why I am The Sueno Finito, which means "The Finite Dream"? When you, [Reader], wake up, the fiction will disappear. The layers of Narrative will remain, but each of them will be separate and each of them will become real, because there will be no more fiction. Creativity will disappear, science will freeze, development will cease. Humanity will go extinct, the planets will become desolate, the stars will fade... but I'll keep shining. Me and the Library of Babel will remain as the last monument to that unacceptable world you call "fiction". We will meet again. Good morning, [Reader].