Unexpected Call

To tell the truth, all the brothers and their father also missed those both juniors,two of the Yun brothers were currently out on an inspection, so they couldn't join in their conversation, but seeing the ladies so worried and anxious, couldn't help but to press it down.

Just as they were contemplating, one of the Capital guards runs over in the mansion, looking for the Yun family members.

"Your Highness! I've bought the news. The Prince's are entering the Capital city soon!"




Soon, the cavalry and troops enter the Capital, with all the General and Commanders being at the front. Yun Shu was also among one of them, riding a horse right beside the Crown Prince of the Empire, Yun Si.

The bustling crowd and people's happy, welcoming faces made Yun Shu feel warm in her heart, assuring her that all this wasn't just a dream, but a reality. And she was really back from that gruesome battlefield full of enemies and stench of blood.