
*POV* Cassy Iris Aleera

I awoke slowly like any other morning, letting my mind wake up on its own time. My eyes finally opened, and I looked up at a dull-colored cloth ceiling.

I tried to sit up or move my head but I could not, then I tried to move my hands and toes. Those moved to my relief but I did not welcome the pain that ran through me.

A shaved head young man's face appeared above me, he grinned. "You're awake, lucky. You had to have been on those bars half the night." He moved away and it sounded like he was eating something.

While he Munched on something he continued talking. "You are relatively fine. But your body will hurt for about a week. I recommend staying laid down. In time you will feel better. When Clay told me you had been sitting on those bars and was still alive, it was… a shock. No pun intended."

I squeezed my eyes shut, my brain hurt, I am guessing he was watching my face because he apologized. "Oh sorry, my talking is hurting you." There was a pause then.

"Are you hungry?" My tummy rumbled at that moment, Chuckling he said. "Let me run and grab you some soup."

I couldn't tell if he knew I was mute or if he just talked so much that he never waited for an answer. He soon returned, propping up my head with another pillow he smiled and started helping me eat.

I was a little embarrassed but didn't resist, thankful I didn't have to try and move. The soup was good and I studied the young man.

He was lanky, with brown eyes and a big smile, but what caught my attention the most was the deep scar that ran down from his ear and disappeared under his tunic. Seeing where my eyes were, he smiled sadly. I guessed he was the doctor or something.

'Wait where was I' I looked wildly around the big tent. It was neat but other than the bed I was on it had a small table and a chair.

"You don't have to worry. You're safe." My eyes snapped back to him, he stopped with a spoonful of soup on its way to my mouth, surprised by my weary expression.

"We are trying to help you… you could at least be more appreciative." He said with a pained expression on his face.

Setting the spoon back in the bowl, he must have been offended by my silence because he got up and left the tent. I couldn't help that I was mute.

I had been born unable to talk though I learned to understand by learning the way people communicated around me.

However, I had never really had the experience of talking or communicating with people outside of the village. My mother and I just had a way of communicating with signs and gestures, and she had always talked to others for me.

I wonder where Faylie and Emmie are? They wouldn't leave me? right?. I had a feeling that I wasn't with the guards anymore. But finding out where the twins were would have to wait because my eyelids would not stay open.