Catching feelings

*POV* Clay Sparks

After interrogating the two soldiers all night and the quick moving of camp, I was overly tired as we walked ever closer to the river. There would be a two-mile stretch of road that the group would be open to attack, I wasn't looking forward to it.

There was still a risk of the soldiers capturing a water mage, as we still had one with us. Ca- whatever her name was.

The twins and their brother opted to go with the scout that went back to meet with Dixie and Pip, the other was still unconscious and Doc wouldn't let me wake her to ask if she also wanted to go, plus Mink had also taken a liking to her. Maybe she could be useful you never know.

Sighing I heaved myself off the rock and stepped back into the possession falling into step beside many weary fellows. "Clay, not to be a whining baby, but I feel like smashing my baby toe with a rock so maybe Mink will take pity on me and carry me. Uggh.!"

Maricela groaned, throwing the sticks she had been breaking into pieces onto the ground. I chuckled. "Mink has enough on her hands, to be taking care of you."

"I know, plus if I did do it I would probably have to be carried by Harrison." She made the barfing motions. There was no doubt that the young air mage was head over heels for Maricela, he would do anything for her. "Maybe I could help, trip you, maybe.." She shook her head energetically and we both laughed.

We marched forward when evening fell Destiny called a stop and we all breathed in relief, I stopped by one of the piles of supplies and grabbed two blankets from the stacks, and made my way back to Destiny. "There you are, Clay!" I turned around, Mink and Sander stood there.

"We came to find you to talk about tomorrow." I nodded. "Come." We walked over to Destiny, who sat on the ground leaning on her hand dozing.

"Hey, Sis!" She woke up with a start and looked up. "Good, sit, we have to plan this." I nodded, moving to wrap a blanket around her shoulders.

Then looked up, and both Sander and Mink sat on blankets. And beside Mink was a blanketed figure, the blanket up over their head, as they held the flaps closed.

It took me a minute to lay my blanket down and settle down. "Okay, where do we start?" Destiny slowly laid out the plan for passing the white city, she took suggestions and make comments as we talk, it was probably 20 minutes into the planning that I noticed the future beside Mink began to sway until Mink moved them until they had their head laying on her arm, black locks of hair fell over her face as Mink tightened the blanket around Cassy.

My eyes lingered as I remembered that I hadn't removed the girl's cuffs, but a shift in the blanket showed her unboned wrists.

"We will have to dig down for more energy because most of us are suffering from fatigue." Mink said, meeting my gaze. Destiny sighed. "Okay, everyone gets some rest and don't forget to fill everyone in."

Sander and Mink nodded, Mink moved to lay the girl down on her blanket and wrap the other tightly around her feet.

Then she stood. Sander moved away with his blanket. Destiny sighed. "Sleep Clay." She advised softly, before laying down.

When I awoke I looked over the clearing to where the girl lay. She was awake and her eyes were on me, but not on my face. I felt the sensation then, for a moment I thought it was from her gaze. But no the district feeling of something crawling on my arm, my eyes moved to her once again.

This time she was staring at me. Then up to my arm once again. My eyes moved up to look at my arm, slowly shifting to get my other hand free. I reached it up and placed it over the dark red beetle then ignited it.

I sat up to rub the ashes off, then turned to Cassy. She was also sitting with a look of relief on her face, she rubbed her arms. "Not a fan of bugs?" I asked, getting to my feet, she moved to get up too.

One shake of her messy black hair that seemed to fan out a bit answered me, she looked around the small clearing that we were standing in a small way from the rest of the camp before she knelt down again to shake the blankets and fold them.

I realized I was staring and with a flustered kick I got a hold of my blanket. "Morning Clay, sleep well?" I glared at Mink, as she strode to Cassy and held out a brush. She was smirking at my discomfort, I stocked away from the clearing to place the blanket on the supply stack.

It didn't take long to find the mess tent and grab the food that was being handed out, standing silently as I ate. "Clay, I heard from Sander about the strategy for going past that blasted city." Said one of the men coming to stand beside me with his own food in hand.

I talked with him until others joined then I slipped away, walking briskly towards the edge of the forest.

"Morning Clay." Maricela groaned, coming over to me to bump my shoulder with her fist, she looked bummed. "What's up with you this morning?"

She looked up at me pleadingly, about to ask me to get her on one of the air sleds no doubt. I pushed her face away, with a half smile.

"Go tell Kanyon to come find me." I told her as I moved away. "What? Are you going to go train without me! Or are you doing one of those sulking guy talks?" She yelled after me.

But a second later ran to catch up with me, I groaned inwardly, I just needed to hit something. "If you are going to d—." She was cut off by a loud noise which we both heard.

The sound was ear splitting in the quiet of the forest, it was not really a scream and not quite a howl. Those around us were already moving in case of an attack, Sander was beside me all of a sudden. "Clay what was that?"

"No clue…" I breathed, I looked over my shoulder to make sure Sander had brought some others, I was not disappointed when I saw 20 or so men and women ready to follow me to check it out.