The unexpected note

*POV* Clay Sparks

I signal for those behind me as we made our way through the trees that lined the road that went right past the big gates of The White City. We had to knock the guards out and keep a watch out as our procession went by.

The men we had assigned to do the job moved forward, the guards were by all means not lazy or asleep. I moved with the rest as we made our way over to the wall on the one spot we had found that would hide us as we got onto the wall.

The guards that patrol on the outside of the wall were the ones that we had to deal with. On this side of the wall, the wall was built in a way that has a tall structure and a wide shelf that the guards walked on to guard the outside.

The air mage that had come with us lifted us one by one onto the wall. Then we went to work.

A couple minutes later we had the wall secured, just in time for Destiny to pass with the others. We waited a bit longer before we moved off the wall and followed making sure no one was alerted and followed us.

We moved away from the big wall and started into the forest, I wasn't completely sure we had not been followed so when I heard.

"Stop them!" A shout from behind us made me turn to look over my shoulder, not totally surprised. A large group of guards were right on our heels. I yelled and we all started running.

I grabbed the young air mage by the arm and threw us both to the ground behind a large stump. "Harrison, I need you to throw a blast at them, and throw them off course."

I was breathing heavily as I whispered the words to the stunt Harrison. He shook his head. "I don't know that spell." He grumbled. "What! Then what have you been learning?" I whispered, yelled.

"Just focus and try it. Levitate them or something!" He nodded, ready to help and was getting scared as they ran ever closer.

I watched as he got himself under control before he moved his hand in the air making a symbol then sent it over to hit the ground in front of the men.

It exploded debris in all directions, as it sent the men flying backwards. "Great job! Now let's catch up with the others." I laughed, grabbing Harrison's arm before we took off running again.

We caught up with our small group a while later, sitting in wait for us. "Is everyone here?" I asked, Maricela's brother. He grunted in reply.

"Great, we have to keep going to catch up with everyone before nightfall." I instructed, as we headed out jogging lightly. It was a little past noon from what I could tell, we were only almost halfway to the cliffs of souls.

The stories I had heard about the place had me a little worried even though it had been my idea. But it was just the place we would had to go that they would not go. I just hoped no one that was in our group was scared of ghosts.

When we finally caught up to Destiny and the group, she nodded for me to follow her and led me away from camp. "Here, a messenger brought this." I took the note with light fingers, she watched me closely before patting my shoulder and leaving me.

My hands shook as I inspected the envelope, before I tore it open and stopped as my eyes greedily took in the words of perfect penmanship.

But there were none, no words marked the paper. I was surprised for only a second before I remembered that Coral had always wroten to me in invisible ink.

I lit a flame in my hand and held the paper over it. But what appeared confused me, two small hand prints was all that was on it.

I questioned why Coral would have sent me a note with baby hand prints on it. I sighed, then the meaning hit me and I was tempted to burn the paper to ash.

I spun on my heel and marched into camp. Destiny saw me coming before I reached her and walked to meet me with a worried frown.

She hugged me, but I pulled away and thrust the paper into her hands. "Kanyon!" She called. He came jogging up. When he saw my face he sighed. "Let it out Clay." He told me.

"I am ready." He gave a knowing smile. Everyone around us moved back as Kanyon moved closer to me. Walls of solid dirt rose up around us creating an area that was safe for those around us and myself.

I let out a yell as I pulled the dagger from my belt and ran towards Kanyon. He smiled as we met, his stone blade meant my flames. My heat soon burned out and I fell to the ground breathing hard.

"Feeling better?" Kanyon asked, falling to lay down beside me. I did not answer. "Hey man, just give me the word and I will be right behind you." I sighed, getting his meaning.

I too wanted nothing more than to go rip that man to shreds, but I also knew it wouldn't help my sister in the least bit.

Coral was the reason I wasn't the one locked up in that damned castle too. I was afraid for her, but she has always been the strongest of the two of us.