A friendship like no other

*POV* Clay Sparks

I gathered up Kanyon the next morning and sprung the mission on him. "What? Why would you only tell me now?" Kanyon questioned. I gave a short laugh. "Well because you were fast asleep and you would have been grumpy if I had woken you up." Kanyon didn't deny it and bent to tie his boot laces.

"We are also taking Doc with us." I stated as I saw Jayden heading our way, Kanyon stalled for a second then sighed. "Do we really need him?" He questioned under his breath. "Yes." I sighed.

"We ready to go?" Jayden asked, as he came to stop beside us, he was dressed for the long trip with four knives sticking from his belt and a sword at his side, his favorite book slung over his shoulder and a pack at his back."

"Morning Jayden." I greeted light heartedly as I turned from Kanyon, he scowled and nodded in greeting. A while later we walked out of camp, I shifted my bag and looked over my shoulder at the cliff's we were leaving behind.

I had gone to say goodbye to Cassy and Mari before leaving but Cassy had already been up and I hadn't been able to find her before I left. Mink had been outside her tent though and had laughed at me when I told her who I was going to take with me.

I knew taking Jayden and Kanyon on the same trip that would last days was probably the worst idea but I had no choice. I needed Kanyon there with me for support and Jayden had asked if he could come along, because he had something he wanted to do in the White City.

It took only about a half an hour for the two to start quarreling as black thunder clouds started rolling in behind us. "Hey! you didn't have to step on my foot?" Doc yelled, and Kanyon laughed as he tried to dodge the punch Jayden aimed at him.

I stumbled as the punch hit my shoulder. "Hey!" I yelled as I stumbled forward before I turned to glare at them both. "Will you guys just decide to be friends? I am sick of being stuck between your fights." I grumbled as my mood soured. Kanyon hung his head and Jayden continued to glared daggers at him.

They were quiet after that but it only lasted for a while. As the day wore on the clouds began to thicken, we soon made it to the small stream that was just a couple miles away from the great river.

I stopped to fill my water canteen and cup my hands and drink. A loud splash and a surprised yell from behind me, made me turn and sigh, Kanyon sat in the stream sputtering. Jayden glared at him triumphantly. "Ha!" But quickly he scrambled backwards as Kanyon lunged at him with a grin.

I watched as the guys started yelling at each other once again, I sighed, shaking my head before getting up and continuing down the deer path we had been following. I did not wait for them to follow, I knew they didn't really like each other but I still wish they could just set aside their family feud for once, we weren't in the castle anymore. We weren't children anymore.

I was sure It took them a minute to realize I was gone, because after a while of walking I heard them calling out my name. I stopped and waited for them with a sigh. Two minutes later they came jogging down the path.

"Why did you leave Clay?" Kanyon asked, water dripping from his hair, I groaned. "What took you so long? Come on, let's get moving." Kanyon nodded. "Yeah." Jayden looked at the ground.

When night fell I gathered sticks and took care of the fire while Kanyon went hunting with the bow he had brought and soon we were sitting around the campfire. The storm hadn't hit yet, but it smelled like rain. And I was pretty sure it would be sometime in the night when the storm hit.

I looked up to the sky as the boys struck up a conversation. "So what's so important that you had to go to the white city so bad for?" Kanyon asked Jayden, Jayden stayed silent, his eyes hidden by shadows. "Do you have a girl waiting for you?" Kanyon asked teasingly.

Jayden sighed. "It's none of your business, Clifford." It was odd hearing Jayden call Kanyon by his last name, his family name. Kanyon smirked. "Oh come on, shouldn't I know if you are going to get married."

Jayden blushed just slightly. "Who said anything about marriage?" Things went silent and Kanyon grinned as he got up to check the food. After we ate, we pulled out our bed rolls and I soon fell asleep.

It was early morning when the rain started and it became hard to sleep. Kanyon came over beside me and with a couple whispered words made a shelter from hard dirt in the shape of a small dugout. Then Jayden came to cram in too and we watched the rain while I held a flame in my palm.

A little after sunrise it stopped raining and we were able to crawl out of the shelter. "Nothing like a good rainstorm to clear the air." Jayden smiled and took a deep breath.

It took a while to dry wood for a fire so it was late when we finally ate, then we started out again hoping we would reach the village beside the golden bridge before night.

I just couldn't wait to meet up with Dixie in the white city and get back safe. All I could think about was how Cassy was doing and if she had found a way to leave before I returned.

I hoped she would wait just a little bit longer so I could maybe convince her to stay. Kanyon bumped into my shoulder. "Hey, cheer up." I smiled as we continued.

The air smelled like fresh rain as we stepped onto the main road and joined the other travelers heading for the White City.