My head!!

*POV* Cassy Iris Aleera

The castle was larger than I had imagined, as I was pulled through it, I glared at everyone that passed as my hope began to wane. I was pushed into a wooden chair with a floral cushion.

The king took his place at the end of the table as the captain took a seat across from me, soldiers were placed on either side of me. "Well Captain, I am pleased you don't have to worry about going back to the cliff's." The king spoke, I stared at his face intently.

He was strongly built with wide shoulders, his peppering hair was down to his shoulders and his brown eyes never left me. "I appreciate that, your majesty." The captain inclined his head.

The king took his eyes off me for a second to face the Captain. "And I haven't forgotten, I will reward all of your men too." The captain nodded again.

A couple minutes of silence filled the room until the door was pushed open and a young girl with light brown hair and blue eyes that reminded me of Clay, entered carrying a tray with tea cups and a kettle.

She slipped into the chair beside me and placed a tea cup in-front of me. "Here, you should drink something." I looked at her for a moment but didn't trust her not to poison me or something and look away quickly.

She was really young and I was surprised that she was my queen. I fiddled with my hands and the king began asking the Captain about how things had been where he was stationed.

The queen moved to pour them tea before coming to sit back down beside me. "I heard that the Prince and Princess had been kidnapped, how is the search going?" The queen stiffened beside me and rang her hands in her lap.

"Not good." Was all the king replied before standing. "I have plans, so I will meet again with you later." The Captain stood to and bowed smartly, with one last glance at me he left the room his guards following.

I wondered what would happen after he left because the girl beside me also seemed like she was waiting for something bad to happen. "Guard!" The king yelled, the door opened and an old guard came in. "You called." He bowed.

The king motioned to me. "Take her to the dungeons." He nodded and came to pull my chair back and wait for me to stand. I could not protest so I stood and with one last glance at the beautiful girl I was led from the room.

I was flanked by 5 more guards and 5 moved to walk in front of me as I was led down through hallways and into the darkness I had to wait for a second after the heavy wooden door closed behind our group before I could see I was being led down another hallway.

Every step I took the air became heavy and the rank stench grew stronger. After being led past a dozen cells we stopped and the iron bars were opened.

I was tossed to the ground inside before they were closed and the soldiers turned and left, their touch light fading away.

"I am guessing it's all over now." A quiet comment came from behind me. I scrambled to my knees and looked around in the darkness, and as my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw three sunken faces staring at me.

I gasped for air as my heart began to start beating faster. They said nothing more. 'The cell was small and to have three people let alone four it was cruel!' I thought.

I began to study them as my heart rate slowed, they all sat on the ground in various positions. Two of them were women and one was a man. I guessed the one that had spoken was the man.

He was watching me while the other two had already lost interest. The man was disheveled with long overgrown hair on his face, he gave the impression of being a noble man even though his fancy clothes were covered in grime.

"You have an intense eye." He said almost like he wasn't talking to me. Blinked at him curiously and I sighed. By the look of the cell I wasn't in for a very comfortable night.

I looked around for blankets or something, when my eyes landed on one of the women as she laid her head on the wall. My hand came up to cover my surprise, she was pregnant. She shifted under my stare and opened her eyes.

She seemed almost to say something before she closed her eyes again with a shaky breath. The man spoke again. "You are the last price of the puzzle aren't you?" I looked at him in question.

He laughed humorlessly and shifted before swearing, then he laid his head back on the wall but still kept his eyes on me. Just sitting and wasting away wasn't what I was expecting.

'What puzzle?' I questioned myself even though I had no answers. I tried Monique again. "Monique?" I sucked in a breath as a slicing dagger of pain erupted in my skull. I grabbed my head and took deep breaths.

I was sure they were staring at me but I couldn't think as I pulled my knees to my chest concentrating on breathing. "Is she okay?" Questioned one of those in the cell. "Ahhhhh." I scream in my mind only to get dizzy as all went black.

"Is she okay?" I was being shaken but all I could do was scream and scream as pain took over my whole body. All of me. "Stop!" "Girl calm down." I felt myself being held really tightly. "Get away from me!" I screamed. Fear took over me in the darkness, I was released and everything stopped.

"Is she okay?" The others watched as the girl in front of them went limp. "That was the most terrifying thing I have even witnessed." Said one of the girls as she got her feet under her. The dungeons were totally silent. Too silent.