Aunt’s Farm

*POV* Clay Sparks

I bent over as pain spiked in my chest. "Ugh.." A hand on my shoulder helped me to get a grip of the pain. "You alright there Clay?" I looked up at Mink with stinging eyes.

"I think so." I replied as I blinded and the pain turned to a dull ache in my chest and in my heart. "That was odd. Are you sure you're alright?" Mink questioned once again.

I wasn't sure enough myself so I played like I was alright, but deep down I felt like something wasn't right.

Mink dished out our dinner and we talked about her aunt and her farm and all the funny childhood memories she could think of.

"You can't tell anyone." Mink said as she began the story she said would blow my mind. "But when I was 10 but cousin and I watched my uncle…" she stopped. "Actually I am not going to tell you."

I stared at her. "Why not?" She grinned. "Now it's your turn, tell me some great stories about The Great and mighty Clay, you have to have had something interesting and funny happen to you."

She said in a laughing tone.

I glared at her. "Fine, do you want to hear about when I first met my sisters?" Mink's eyes glowed.

"Yes, I can't lie, I have been dying to know how you guys met."

I thought about it for a second. "Okay, so after Andrew took us to the Blaze's manor that was east of the imperial castle." Mink smiled. "Yeah I know where that is."

"Well.. Coral and I got to meet his daughters on the first night we were there. Pip was so tiny." I laughed at the memory.

"Destiny was so displeased by the thought of her father adopting two orphans, but Dixie took a liking to us immediately." I sighed.

I caught Mink muttering under her breath. "Of course she did." I smiled. I shook my head. "She does like to be protective." Mink got up. "Yeah… sure."

We reached Mink's aunt's farm the next day at about midday. Unpleasant smells and the sounds of animals of all kinds reached me as we made our way through an unkempt flower garden to the front door step.

The house was quite small in comparison to some I had been in. Mink gave me a smile as she grabbed the pig's nose ring and knocked loudly. "Hey! Open up!" She yelled at the door.

Shouting from within lasted a minute, a moment later the door swung open. A young man about my age but way taller stood before us. "What do you want?" He questioned as he looked us over.

"Quit being a jerk, Fredrick let us in." Mink and the boy had a staring contest for a moment before he sighed. "What are you doing here Hazel?" Mink blushed. "What did I say about calling me that!" She grabbed my arm and pushed past Fredrick.

"Where is Aunty?" Fredrick sighed, pushing up his glasses as he shut the door. "I would like to know just as much as you. She hasn't been here for over 3 months." He grunted as he left us through an archway, Mink dragged me and followed him.

"She's been gone for 3 months.?" She asked in a worried tone. We entered the kitchen and Mink immediately helped herself to an orange that was in a bowl on the table.

Fredrick stood at the stone stirring a pot. "I guess you are staying for dinner.?" He questioned. "Who is your friend anyway, you haven't introduced us." Mink shrugged from her place at the table.

"Oh he is just a dude I work with." I wondered if I should be offended by her words. "Really? Huh. Well what did you want muma for anyway?" Mink finished peeling her orange.

"Oh I wanted to ask her where the best place I should look for a body if it was sent down-." Fredrick turned stunned. "What the lasagna! Are you mixed up in this time?" His odd word usage made me want to laugh.

Mink shook her head. "Nothing bad. I was just wondering." Fredrick looked suspicious. "I guess they would probably end up in the sea, if they hadn't been fished out by someone." That gave us no real information I realized.

"Wow, so helpful… a baby could tell me that." Fredrick sighed. "I guess you could try the crazy sage lady that lives on doom mountain." Mink's expression changed to excitement.

"See Fredrick you're not a complete dud." Fredrick returned her jab with a glare. "This is done, if you want to eat. And just because you have been so nice to me, you have to come help me feed."

Mink glared at him. "Actually we have to leave right after dinner." She told me with a smile. He sighed. We ate and helped clean up after Mink and Fredrick had a yelling match.

Fredrick won and Mink agreed to stay the night and help with the animals. I wondered how Fredrick did it every morning and night as I sprinkled food to the chickens.

I learned a lot about each one as Mink decided that I had to share her misery. "Fun fact, chickens dream! Can you believe it?" Mink grinned. "Is your name really Hazel?" I asked her as I emptied the remaining feed into a pile.

Mink grunted. "No!" I knew she was lying but didn't press the matter. She continued to feed me fun facts until my head felt filled with cobwebs.