A touch to fly

*POV* Cassy Iris Aleera

The evening deepened as the sun fell from view, and we reached the large lake that sat just down the hill from the village. My steps were heavy and I dared not look back at the others as they followed us.

Vivian tried again. "You never know, maybe just talk to him.?" I sighed. I doubted that just talking would make up for all the unkind words he had sent my way. "Maybe in this case you should extend a branch of healing."

I tried to block her out, I wondered why she was trying to help me if she too was just going to try and get me to marry Evan.

"I-.." my father walked up beside me where I stared intently out over the water that reflected the moon. "Cassy. Can you hear us out?" I turned to him reluctantly. "I guess I would listen.."

He sighed. "We thought this is what you wanted." he tried to sound sincere "but what is done is done, you can be happy with Evan…" he slowly broke off at the look on my face.

Evan approached from my left. I glared at my father and then at him. "I will not marry you.!" I told him. He laughed. "Funny you think you have a choice in this matter." he looked down at me.

My stomach clenched and I took a deep breath before I turned on my heel and marched away, I avoided Vivian's eyes and her arm that reached for me. After I was a couple of steps away I began to run.

The light from the moon helped me see enough to not trip on the many stones that lined the edge of the lake. "CAsSY!?" I heard someone yell from behind me and I slowed and looked over my shoulder.

My mother was probably the one that had called after me, but horror clenched my heart as I saw Evan racing after me. I could just run but right now I wanted to so much, but I wasn't going to be chased from my home by him.

I took a breath and turned fully to face him as he jogged up. "Come on Cassy, don't be like this." I stepped up to meet him. "Evan you don't realize how much you made me feel inferior, every mean word, every rude stare."

I stared into his swampy green eyes, he was silent. "You expect me to want to be with you, you even convinced my mother that I liked you. You are disposable." I made sure every word hurt him like a dagger to the heart.

"Now you are going to tell my parents that you want nothing to do with me or I am going to fight you. And I am not quite sure you want to do that."

He stared at me and I saw the muscles in his jaw working, he stepped forward and even closer to me. I dared not back down. I felt his fingers brush my wrist, and I yanked it out of reach and brought my hand up to slap him.

To my surprise, he was sent flying into the water with a splash, he went under. "Cassy?! What in the world?" my family came up to look out at the water where Evan was making his way back to shore.

When he walked out of the water dripping his eyes were on me and I didn't miss the menacing expression he wore. "You shouldn't have done that." He ground out.

"Evan what are you-?!" His father was stopped as he sent a ball of water my way with a whispered spell. "Stop Evan!" My father shouted and raised his arms to block the water but Vivian stopped him.

I watched it come my way with a slight smile pulling at my lips. I didn't even have to think as I moved the ball to stop mid air before I sent it straight back at him.

I knew he would dodge and I quickly followed it up with a great gust of wind that sent him up into the air. "Cassy… put him down!." Evan's father warned.

I dropped my hand and listened as Evan began screaming at the top of his lungs as he started to drop like led, my heart skipped a beat as I realized what I had done.

"You need to catch him." Monique sounded bored in my mind. "Maybe send up some dirt to break his fall." My eyes focused as I looked around, I saw my mother move forward to send water up to catch him and slowly set him in the shallow water.

She then moved to wrap an arm around my shoulders. "I am sorry." She whispered before she turned to my father. "Shane, we are leaving. There is no way I will let this union be made, especially after he just attacked my daughter." She was talking to everyone by the end of her words.

She steered me towards the village once again, and to my horror I realized that a lot of them now stood watching us. I had forgotten how much everyone took it upon themselves to learn each other's business.

We walked past the two old men that were the village leaders, but my mother shielded me from their disappointed looks. And led me straight into our home.

My father followed, shutting the door with a slam.

"Isabella.. you know this will put us in a-." My mother cut him off with a wave of her hand. And led me into the back.

She shut my door with a sigh and turned to me. "Cassy…" She started with a look at the floor. "I am sorry, I hadn't realized you didn't want this. Please forgive me." Her face fell in dejection.

I moved to take her hand and her blue eyes came to meet mine. "I don't want it. What happened to you? You have changed a lot, I keep wishing I just had my old mother back."

She broke into a sobs, and brought her hand up to cover her mouth and shut her eyes tight. My chest burned and I pulled her close, I could only imagine what she was feeling.

When we left my room after a while my father stood at the door talking to someone. "Just go home Aria." As soon as she saw me she brushed past him and ran to hug me.

"Oh Cassy, I did realize this would happen. I totally would have warned you.." she pulled back and looked me over. "How are you feeling?" she asked.