A Hug

*POV* Clay Sparks

Cassy gave me a smile before she moved to check the stiff floral curtains that covered the two large windows on each side of the door. "I got the back door." Her friend said.

She was pretty with her round face and bright green eyes. Her hair was a messy tangle of curls that reached her waist and framed her face. Cassy seemed to answer her because the girl smiled before sitting on the floor.

The living room was small and the only thing that was there to sit on was rugs. Jamia took a seat too and so did Mink, I stood awkwardly unsure of what I should be doing.

"Oh hello." A thin woman with black hair streaked with gray came from the hallway in the back.

She and Cassy exchanged looks before she smiled and walked up to me. "I appreciate you making sure my daughter was safe and I will give you a thanks for the rest of the village children you helped." I nodded.

"We were happy to help." She took my hand and squeezed it before moving away.

A loud banging on the door shocked the outer wall. "Aleera! Open this door right now! We need to talk." Cassy stiffened from where she was looking through a crack in the curtains.

"They are insane." Whispered Cassy's mother as she pulled Cassy from the window. "Are you in trouble Cassy?" She asked her.

Cassy shakes her head. And they stared at one another for a moment before Cassy looked away. The banging continued as well as yelling, till Cassy stocks over to the door and wrenches it open. "Finally! Where is your father!" He bellows at her.

I had to remind myself that her silence didn't mean anything. "I would like to meet these visitors." With that 3 men dressed in dark green robes brushed past her and entered the already cramped room.

The weasley thin old man looked me over and so did his companions with their matching faces and expressions. "So you are the visitors. May I ask what business you have with our Aleera family?" He questioned me. Mink was beside me in an instant.

"Why is it your business what business we have with Cassy and her family?" His eyes shifted to Mink then widened in indignation.

"Ho-! How!? How dare you speak to me about business? It's my business to know all that is happening in this village." He says hotly with an up turn of his nose.

He was shorter than me by a foot, so I tried my best not to laugh in his face, as he tried his best to be serious. "Mr. Caven, I am going to have to ask you to show some manners, they are our guests."

Cassy's mother moved into Mr. Caven's personal space and he was forced to take a step back. He quickly tugged on his robe to straighten his attire.

"Isabella, where is your husband?" He asked her as he straightened his face and took on a anonyed look. Isabella shrugged her shoulders.

"I haven't seen him for a couple hours. But I am sure he will return." She replied, he shifted. "Well we are here to tell you that-" he motioned to his companions.

"-That we have decided that it would probably be best if your family leaves our village." Aira was standing beside Isabella in seconds.

"You can't be serious.! Their family is here." She glared at him. "Well." He started. "We have decided that Cassy's magic is too dangerous and our citizens are being harmed by it." Aira sighed.

"She never hurt anyone. And Evan started it first, he deserved all those broken bones." I watched her tell the old man that Evan- who ever that was, -shouldn't have tried so hard to get Cassy when she had already told him, no.

Whoever this Evan was I felt the need to speak with him, but from the sound of it Cassy had already talked to him with her fists. the old man's voice began rising in volume as he began to argue with her. I stepped forward to place a hand on Aira's shoulder and she turned on me with an angry glare.

Cassy stepped in and wrapped an arm around her friend, they whispered for a second before Cassy advanced on Mr. Caven, she spoke to him, the room waited in a tense silence as Mr. Caven's face began turning bright red.

Aira was smirking as she hend Cassy's hand, after about 2 minutes Mr. Caven turned on his heel and speed walked from the dugout.

"Good riddance.!" Aria laughed. "What now?" Questioned Isabella looking at her daughter.

Cassy seemed to reassure her, and Aria voiced their worries. "Where are you going to go?" She asked Cassy. "What in the morning?! They want you gone so soon?" Cassy gave her a nod.

Isabella's mood changed in an instant. "This is bull." She voiced before turning on her heel and leaving the room. Cassy watched her go before turning to meet my eyes. "Sorry you had to come at a time like this…" she sighed, and moved into the kitchen.

I followed as she seemed to hesitantly move things around on the counter. "Are you doing alright?" I asked her as she finally turned from the corner before leaning against it taking a shaky breath.

"I have been better." She looked up at me then she slumped, I wanted to reach out and help her stand by. I didn't. "What am I going to do? I got my parents kicked out of their home."

I stood for only a second wondering what to say, before I stepped forward and held my arms out to give her a hug.

She hesitated only a second before accepting my hug and wrapping her hands around me and tucking her head into my chest.