“This is bad.”

*POV* Clay Sparks

We were close. Cassy pulled back and my heart sank. "Did you hear that?!" She questioned, looking towards the village. She stepped back and took a step away then looked back at me with a sad expression.

"We will have to-" she trailed off. "Don't worry about it." I told her as the screaming reached my ears.

I followed her, at a run as we left the trees, I saw what was happening and my heartbeat quickened. Two large carriages were on the small street that led to Cassy's neighborhood.

The large wild cat with big teeth and claws marked the carriages as royal carriages. Soldiers were pushing women into them. Cassy only stopped when she reached the crowd that surrounded them.

"My people! They mean no harm, the king has only good intentions with these women." I wanted to scoff at the sound of Mr. Caven's tangy voice.

"Aria!?" Cassy cried beside me. And I looked towards the carriage, her friend was being shoved into one. A young man was right behind the soldiers yelling at them.

Mr. Caven's voice rang once again over the crowd trying to tell everyone that this was for the best. The men standing around us were shifting from foot to foot. I could feel their hesitation.

Cassy advanced pushing through the crowd as Aria screamed. "Let go of me!." My eyes landed on the cuffs that circled her wrists. "Why these women?" I wondered to myself as I watched.

"Mr.Caven!" I heard Cassy yell and I pushed through the crowd to follow. "Why was I hearing her voice when she wasn't talking to me?"

She broke through the crowd and into the circle, I stopped as she stomped up to Mr. Caven. "What do you think you are doing?" She asked him. He lifted his chin.

"Mind her own business Alreea, are you trying to disobey the king." She stared at him. When she took a step towards him her hands filled with fire. "Fire!?" The crowd stepped back in surprise too.

"I dare you to take those women! I dare you too!" She took another step towards him and he squeaked scrambling back only to turn on his heel to run, but the crowd caught him.

Then she turned on the guards. "Leave!" She screamed at them. It seems not only I heard what she was saying. She moved over to Aria, her fire disappearing only after she had burnt the cuffs from her wrists.

The young man hugged Aira as soon as she was released. The crowd advanced and men took the women into their arms as soon as their cuffs were released.

The soldiers watched in confusion, one finally stepped forward. "Miss we are here on behalf of his majesty, can I ask why you feel that you can let these women go? When you know that this could get you killed.?"

Cassy advanced on him next, a dark look on her face. I stepped up behind her and watched the man squirm as Cassy placed her full attention on him. "This village has been through enough and I am beyond done with the king trying to ruin peoples lives.

Taking people and not thinking of what that could do to their families. So tell him this! I am coming for him." The soldier bowed hastily and then turned on his heel and gave the order to leave.

We watched the carriages leave, when they finally disappeared down the road Cassy let out a breath. "This is bad." She said and I wondered if she was talking to me.

"Aria.!" she whispered. She spun on her heel and was immediately hugged. "Oh thank heavens!" Aria laughed. "That was so cool! Did you see their faces!?" Cassy pulled her back.

"What were they doing? Why did they have you?"

Aria's face sobered. "Well they told me that I was chosen to help the king, and in return they would give me anything I wanted."

Cassy raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" Aria looked down in shame. "Why did they want you in particular?"

Aria blushed. "Well, I guess it's because they said I was pregnant." Cassy stared at her.

"You're pregnant?!" Aria shrugged. "Maybe, not sure." She gave Cassy another hug before smiling.

"I have to go, but I will see you later." She then moved off. Cassy sighed heavily. "This is bad." I took her hand slowly. "You already said that. We will figure this out, I can help and Mink too."

She looked at me and sighed again before smiling. "Thanks."

"Cassy!" An older woman with silver hair and bright eyes came walking up to Cassy, she wrapped her in a hug.

"I heard what happened. Are you okay?" The women's brightly colored robe practically covered Cassy completely up. "Where have you been Vivian?" She said sternly.

Vivian pulled back. "I was at the market, I couldn't believe how many cool things they had." Cassy watched her.

"You didn't steal anything, did you?" Vivian's head bowed in shame. "Ugh, I can't believe you. What did I say about stealing?" She shook her head.

"I can't deal with this right now." Vivian sighed. Taking Cassy's hand so she could turn and walk away.

"Are you feeling alright? You seem extra loud." Cassy stared at her. "What do you mean?" Vivian smiled. "I think your power is growing." She looked at me.

"Did you hear our conversation?" I nodded, wondering what was happening. Vivian clapped her hands together.

"That's awesome! The meditation has been doing you some good." Cassy looked at me then back to Vivian.

"Are you telling me that anyone can hear what I am saying now!?" Vivian smiled and nodded. "Yup, unless you decide otherwise."

"I can't tell if that's a good thing or not." Cassy said with another sigh. Then she looked at me. "Are you hungry?" At her words I realized I was.

"Yeah." She took my hand.

"Good, let's go home." Vivian fell in step with us.

"I am hungry too." Cassy ignored her.