Dark magic

*POV* Clay Sparks

I was thrown in front of the large oak chair with a high back, half conscious, my eyes searched wildly around until they landed on King Magnur Blaze Dulmore, the man I had hated for so many years, I had lost count.

He sat erect in the chair staring down at me with a smile that sent shivers down my spine. The words I had thought I would yell at him stuck in my throat and wouldn't move.

I moved to my knees and tried to pull myself from the hands of the men that held me down. "Clay! You are a fool!" He laughed, my eyes never left him. I cringed. "You might not understand your power, but I do." At his words a black substance boiled out of his back coming to lurk 6 feet higher than Magnur.

The room changed, it got darker and a chill ran up my spine as I stared into its holes for eyes. I wanted to run and I could feel a slight tremor in the hands that held me down.

I couldn't get my mouth to form words. The dark magic being laughed made the room shake before it slowly began to move towards me. I yelled, my heels digging into the slippery floor.

The laughter stabbed into me like sharp daggers, the dark being reached for my chest and it ripped out my magic, pulling the small dragon out with a pain that sent tears to my eyes. I screamed.

I could see its fire being swallowed by the darkness and the laughter intensified. It felt like my ears were bleeding.

I remember when I had found the dragon's egg in the mountains when I was 5 when my father had taken me on a hunting trip. And how the mother dragon had been so furious, until she realized that I was broken.

The feeling that had left so long ago when the baby dragon had been given to me returned, the feeling of being empty and useless.

The door of the cell closed behind me leaving me in the dark, I wished for nothing more than to be back in the moments with Cassy.. and with Coral, and my family. People who made me feel safe.

My mind a fog I waited in the darkness unsure of what he was going to do with me. I was useless now. Possible outcomes came to mind and I was afraid of what might happen.

Time passed slowly and I had no acknowledgment of the time of day. The large heavy door was pulled open and I could hear shouting coming from down the hall. I recognized the voices and moved slightly.

I watched as Mink and Dixie were pushed into the cell, to my horror Cassy was set on the floor and Kristine was pulled in last. Mink was yelling strong language at them as they shut the door.

"Dixie?" I questioned, as she shifted in the dimly lit room. "Clay? Oh my word.." she fell to her knees beside me. "I can't believe we found you!" She grabbed my hand then pulled away quickly.

Shifting the cuffs on her wrists she sighed. "What happened Clay?" The door opened and Mink glared at the guards. "I dare you to come closer!" She threatened, a small blast of magic hit her, and she fell to the ground with a curse.

One of the guards grabbed Kristine and Dixie yelled as a silver rod touched her cuffs she was sent flying hitting the wall hard. The door slammed.

Dixie slowly got to her knees. "Pigs!" She spat. "Clay what even happened to you?!" She winced as she rolled her shoulders.

I didn't answer her as I scanned Cassy's motionless body. She was dressed in the outfit I had seen her in before all this, although now it was tattered and ripped in places.

I moved past Dixie's questioning words and pulled Cassy into my arms. She wasn't moving and I could tell she had been wet.

Moving her to her side I lightly thumped on my back, after a couple seconds she coughed releasing the water. Her violet eyes met mine and she looked pretty happy to see me, she seemed like she wanted to speak but she stayed quiet as she continued coughing.

I held her slightly, rubbing her back, my mind moving to what would happen to Kristine and all of us. Mink and Dixie began arguing behind us and all I wanted to do was scream. Cassy moved away from me after a moment and I kept a hand on her arm. I shut out their voices until Mink and Dixie came to sit by us.

I had to tell them. "We can't beat him.." I mumbled.. Mink said something that I didn't catch, Dixie instantly started yelling at her before she slumped. My mind slipped to unknown places as Dixie's words of defeat filled my head.

Mink and Dixie talked quietly a little more but I didn't listen. Cassy stood up and did her own search of the room before sitting back down beside me and leaning on my shoulder.

Her touch made me jump slightly and she looked at me questioningly. She hadn't spoken once so I figured that the cuffs on her wrists blocked that power. She waited for me to say something or give her an explanation for my reaction.

I just stared at her, not having the strength to speak or to smile. She pushed air through her nose and plopped her head on my shoulder again.

Her hands resting in her lap she watched Mink and Dixie as they spoke about Magnur. Dixie was explaining to Cassy how he had become king in the first place.

The sound of the door being pulled open made us all jump a little, Mink and Dixie stood while Cassy's hand found mine. She squeezed it tightly and her eyes closed.