All things must end

*POV* Clay Sparks

I watched Cassy run into the middle of the chaos, I had never seen light magic being used and Cassy used it like a pro.

"She is doing well." I nodded at the words that sifted into my mind, it took me a second to realize the great white deer standing beside me in the hall. It came to stand 3 feet taller than I and it moved really slowly as if time half stopped.

"I see you came?" I asked a little hesitantly. "Yes, though I have not much interest in this world I cannot see it crumble just yet." I nodded.

The deer stepped forward and I followed. I didn't notice the blast that was sent my way until it hit me, I was sent flying into the air only to slow as I whispered a spell.

I still have Cassy's magic and I knew a great deal of fire spells, spying Cassy I smiled.

Dodging some wind spells I moved to drop down beside her. Back to back I got to work.

No matter how many soldiers we took down more flooded in, it figures that Magnur would have a secret army that was loyal to him.

Cassy and I soon were pinned in the far corner of the great room. In front of us leered Magnur and a dozen or so of his men. A great black panther pinned Cassy with fearsome green eyes.

I could feel her determination as she stared back at Magnur. She stepped forward and he stepped back, why did he stay to fight if he was scared of Cassy?

"I find it fascinating that you were able to achieve something that is above you." Magnur huffed out.

Cassy straightened her shoulders, her eyes fearless. She didn't speak, and I remembered that Monique gave her that power.

The black cat moved first, stepping over his master and striking at us with his jaws wide. I side stepped but Cassy stopped it short with a hand on its nose.

Her hand glowing, the panther faded into flakes of dust that rain down on us. Magnur's expression turned to shock and disbelief. "What did you do?!" He asked.

Cassy took another step forward and another until she was toe to toe with him, I followed my hands on fire. She stared up at him before she slammed her hand into his chest.

Time seemed to slow as various emotions flashed across Magnur's face and soon tears were falling down his face. A presence came through the crowd, the great white deer walked over to Cassy and with a touch from his horn on Magnur's forehead, Magnur crumbled to the floor.

Time sped up again, I grabbed for Cassy but was stopped by the deer's nose. I watched as it touched foreheads with Cassy and she too crumbled to the floor.

I gasped and grabbed her before she hit the ground. "What did you do?!" I asked as I studied her peaceful expression. It didn't speak, but instead turned and walked from the room.

Magnur's soldiers had surrendered and Destiny was having them lined up with cuffs on them.

I felt a tingling in my hands and looked down, to my surprise I was glowing and so was Cassy, and with last of my strength I took a deep breath as her power left me.

*POV* Destiny Blaze

I caught sight of Clay slumping forward to place his head on Cassy's chest, they looked so peaceful but I sensed that something wasn't right.

Flagging Maricela down, I nodded towards Clay. She smiled and headed in his direction. I focused back on the task at hand marking down all the soldiers that had committed treason on the kingdom.

I glared down at a large build soldier with a shaved hair and defiance in his copper eyes. "I need your name." I repeated the request I had asked minutes before.

He glared back. "Why should I tell you? I am going to die anyway." He almost whispered the last part. I understood his logic but I still needed his name, it wasn't my place to decide if he lived or died, that was the crown's decision.

"What is your name?" I asked again. His eyes hardened. "I ain't going to tell you-" he was interrupted by Maricela grabbing him by the shirt. "She asked what your name was!" I pulled Maricela back and pulled her away.

"Did you forget what I said?" The girl sighed. "How's Clay?" She frowned. "He is unconscious. And Cassy-" there was a shout, I turned to see one of the human soldiers attacking one of my men.

"Great!" Maricela matched off before I could stop her, pulling her large axs from her back she swung at the soldier, he dodged her attack and moved forward to try pulling the ax from her hand.

I turned my back on them and faced the soldier on his knees once again. "Name?" His eyes were glued to the fighting that had broken out. He moved his scorching gaze up to me.

"Who are you anyway?" He asked, his courage made me wonder why he held his name so close to his heart, like a secret he could tell no one.

Mink approach. "Dixie will be alright, but it seems she no longer has her fire magic." That didn't surprise me much. I waved her off and she nodded, understanding that I was busy.

"If it will help you out. My name is Destiny Blaze of the great Blaze family of Hilldren." I didn't bow and gave a tight smile. His face fell for a second but he shook his head. "Yeah. We need to talk." His voice had changed, my heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah.. I still need your name." He smiled. "I think you have me wrong, We should talk." I eyed him and raised a brow. "I don't have time for this. Maricela!" She was beside me in a second, her shirt dirty and a cut on her cheek. I guess the fight went well.

"What!?" I nodded at the soldier. "I give you full permission to do anything to get him to tell you his name." She laughed. "You're serious?" I nodded spinning on my heel. I took a step forward but stopped when the soldier spoke.

"I can't speak here, but I will talk." I sighed, turning I motioned for Maricela to get him on his feet, all I could think about was that this was probably a trap, and I still had to get Cassy and Clay some medical attention.

In a small interrogation room Maricela plopped the soldier on the chair as I lit the gas lamp. "Okay, talk!" He nodded. "Okay. Maybe you could-" Maricela laughed. "Don't even try buddy."

"Fine.. My name is.." the few seconds he waited made me want to punch the table, leaning against the wall and waited. "I am Dominic Freemer."

I eyed him. "and that is supposed to mean what? Why are you important to me?" He smiled. "Here I will show you."

One second he was on the chair in cuffs the next he was beside me with a hand on my shoulder. The cuffs still rattling on the stone floor I stared into his eyes, they were twinkling in the dim light. But I was trembling with fear I had never felt. "How?" I whispered.

He didn't get to answer however because Maricela's axe pinned him to the wall. "Who are you?" He raised an eyebrow. "I just told you."

Maricela was about to rip his head off with her word or ax I wasn't sure. I kept my voice steady as I took a breath to calm my beating heart. "Why are you in Magnur's army?" Our eyes met and Maricela slightly released her hold.

"Oh, well. You see, I am not from this world, my power also lets me teleport from my world to yours." His words made no sense to me.

"You mean continent's?" I moved away from him to stand beside Maricela. "No. I mean worlds." I sighed. I didn't have time for a traveler that was delusional.

"I see you don't believe me." I didn't. "Our cuffs won't hold him, what do we do Destiny?" A loud knocking on the door pulled my attention for only a second, a hand wrapped around my wrist and with a flash I was no longer in a stone castle.

The end-