A new home

*POV* Coral Sparks

I had my powers back, though it wasn't quite what I thought would happen. When I tried to make a fire, ice came. Ice!!

I sighed as I looked down at Lula, I had tried forever to get her to sleep but I knew she was hungry but there wasn't much to do but hope there was milk at where we were headed.

I had been thinking for months now what to name her and her brother, but now I have decided on Lula which is the name of a great sea beast. I looked from her chapped face to the ever growing wall that stood in front of us.

I stared as we reached the gates and were let in, once in I stared around at the buildings made from dirt and were painted white. "It's called adobe." The Lieutenant told me with a grin.

She led her dun horse over to the build with a low hanging sign on the front that said 'stables'. She dismounted and helped me down. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Let me ask the Captain where you will be staying." I smiled, she moved off and started talking with the tall man who set me on edge, I couldn't tell if it was in a good way or a bad way.

The Captain approached and the Lieutenant headed off in another direction. "If you will just follow me." He said as he motioned for me to follow. I fell in step with him as he spoke again. "I sent the Lieutenant to barter for some milk." I gave him a thankful smile.

"Are we safe in here.?" I asked him as we walked through busy streets that were clean and made of hard sand. "Yes. There is a barrier around the fort." I hoped he was right because I could definitely imagine waking in the night as you fell into the jaws of death.

"I hope you are right." He stopped at a door and opened it with a heavy shove. I looked around the dust covered furniture and floors. "It's been empty for a while so a bit of cleaning will be necessary, but you don't have to worry about that."

The house was cool and a great relief from the pounding raze of the sun. The house was small with a kitchen and living area downstairs and a bathing room, and upstairs there were two bed rooms, one had windows looking out onto the street below.

As I stared out the window I noticed that all the other houses looked the same but each had a different number on them. I turned to the Captain who stood in the door and was not entering the room.

"Thank you. I am sorry there isn't much I can give in return." I sighed as I began to untie the knots in the cloth around my neck. He leans on the frame of the door.

"Well that's what the supreme military is here for." He turned. "Well I will be leaving if you need anything, ask the Lieutenant." I heard his steps as they went down stairs and the slam that shook the floor as the front door was shut.

I sighed and lightly placed Lula on the bed that I had stripped of its blankets, I reached back to undo the ones holding Samuel on my back. I had decided on the name after deciding Lula's I knew it was only fair I name him too. Samuel was after my birth father.

I knew little about him but I thought it was fitting. Once both were laying on the bed, I sank to my knees beside them and placed my head on the bed too.

I didn't realize I was in tears until the front door opened again with a loud banging sound. "Miss Coral!! Are you here?" I rose up and wiped at my eyes with the back of my hand. "Up here." I squeaked out.

Footsteps sounded on the stairs before the Lieutenant entered the room. I stood with my hand fisted in my dress as I tried not to think about how my face must look. "I brought milk!" She held up a metal jug,

I put my finger to my lips and she mouthed un 'oh' I moved to the door and followed her to the small dusty kitchen. "I hope goats milk works?" She said as she flipped a small white switch on the wall a dim drop like sphere glowed and made the room a little less dark.

"That should do nicely." I said as I watched the light. "I wouldn't stare at that for very long." She laughed as she placed the metal jug on the counter, she opened the stone and let out a great dust cloud that was black with soot.

"We will have to find you some wood for burning to cook by and to warm the house at night. I have Coal bring you some blankets so you should be alright for the night."

She opened the jug and pulled two see-through bottles from her pockets. They were squishy.

I almost stuck my finger in milk but stopped when I saw how dirty my fingers were, instead I watched her fill the bottles. "I told Coal to also bring clothes for diapers." She smiled.

"You can tell the whole fort is stoked to have children again. Miss Layla said she was going to knit you all blankets and clothes." I sighed. "That's not necessarily." I said, trying to sound polite.

The door once again opened with a loud bang. And the Lieutenant rushed to help, I picked up the squishy bottles and followed her into the living room. "Just show us where to place them." I led the way into the room and motioned to the bed and sat carefully.

Lula had rolled a bit in her sleep and had come close to the edge. I picked her up and sighed as she immediately began howling which set her brother off. I placed the nipple in her mouth and reached for Samuel. "Hey sleeping head." I placed the other into his mouth.

Once they were happy sucking I looked up then back down sheepishly as I saw the stares from the others. "Sorry." I muttered. The older woman smiled as she stepped forward. "Could I help?" I smiled at her gratefully. And moved so she could pick up Samuel.

Coal was an older fellow too, with wispy black hair and an upturned nose. He stared awkwardly. I gave him a smile and then cut my eyes towards the window.