
*POV* Coral Sparks

Knocking on the front down made me stop what I was doing and walk to the door, moving the chair I pulled open the door.

On the front steps stood a tall young woman with ring curls the color of wine tied up with a black bow, her clothes made me take a step back, she wore black pants with holes in the knees and a white shirt that had no sleeves, her boots came up to past her ankles.

"Can I help you?" I asked, feeling extremely self conscious. Her face was flawless and her lips were an odd shade of blue. "Hi!" She smiled sweetly, swinging her hips a little and waving her hand.

"I am Beverly, Lt. Green told me to come help you." She pushed into the house pulling her bag on wheels.

"Oh, I see. You can take the other room upstairs." I told her before heading back into the kitchen to pour the milk.

The door left wide open, I followed Beverly up. She came out of her room with a smile. "So where can I help?" I passed her and entered my room. "It would be a great help if you could find us some water to do some washing."

Beverly eyed me. "Like for bathing? Or laundry? Just so you know I wouldn't be washing any dirty diapers." I looked at her.

Why would Randall send someone who wasn't willing to help? "That's fine. Some for both would be great." Beverly nodded and left. I sighed as I sat down on the bed.

This wasn't quite what I had imagined would happen. Randall was gone, I had heard him leave even before the sun had started to rise.

I was going to have to be more open minded if I was going to be able to get along with the people here.

Lula calmly took the nipple, while Samuel fussed, his face looked less chapped. Setting his bottle on the floor I reached for the diaper clothes.

A while past before I heard voices coming in the door down stairs, cradling Samuel in my arms I left Lula sleeping and went down to see who it was.

Beverly stood on the front porch talking to a man dressed in a simple short sleeved shirt and blue pants. "Lt. Green, said too!" She was telling the man. "If you have questions, bring it up with her. And fix the doorknob." She shouted out commands like she was the boss of the place.

Her air of authority made me shiver. "What's happening?" I questioned her. She turned to give me a sweet smile. "He will get the water turned on in no time, then you can go bathe. By the way, what size of jeans do you wear?"

I shook my head. "I prefer dresses." I told her, I was not going to wear pants like hers, they looked extremely uncomfortable. Her smile faltered. "Dresses? No one wears dresses these days."

My brow raised. "You mean to tell me everyone wears clothes like yours?!" I didn't say that out loud though, I sighed. I would just wash this dress and wear it again.

"Oh." I said instead. "Is there someone that could make me some?" She eyed me. "You're serious?" I nodded. "In that case, the Lt. Might know someone."

A signal from the man in front of the house had Beverly pushing past me. "Thank heavens the water is running." I followed her to the bathroom, it was small with only a bit of walking room, a tub sat right beside the toilet, though it was different from what I was used to, but it was the same concept.

Beverly turned a clear handle, and water poured into the tub and down the drain. Caping the drain she turned to me. "There will be hot water in a minute or so." Turning water off she pushed past me to leave.

Samuel had begun to nod off to sleep, so I headed back up the stairs. Beverly had gone back out to chat with the guy out front.

I really needed a bath but while I bathed I would have to put my trust in Beverly, She would have to earn my trust.

Some time later Beverly yelled up the stairs that the water was hot, laying the sleeping Samuel down I went down stairs.

"Here!" Beverly pushed a bundle of clothes into my arms. "This is all I could get. Towels are in the bathroom." I nodded. "I shouldn't take long. The twin's are asleep but if they wake, try feeding them."

She didn't seem too enthusiastic about it but nodded. "Go, they will be fine." I hoped she was right.

I shut the door to the bathroom and started the tub filling with just the right temperature of water, I inspected the bundle Beverly had given me.

There was a large shirt and a knee length skirt that was not attached. The shirt was light brown and the skirt was blue, there were also socks and underthings.

The water felt amazing, one after another I noticed the bruises that covered my arms and legs. The fall must have hurt more than I remembered. Scrubbing quickly, I dressed, the shirt was a bit large but it felt nice to wear something clean.

The outfit came together quite well but I didn't like the lack of covering on my legs. I would have to talk to the Lt. about proper clothes that fit.

The house was quiet when I left the bathroom and stepped into the cool living room, I made my way up the stairs and entered my room. The twins were not asleep, Lula sat on the floor playing with her bottle and Samuel was trying to climb into the windowsill.

Beverly was nowhere to be seen. I was surprised, as soon as Lula saw me she instantly burst into tears, Samuel lost his balance and fell. I rushed forward to pick him up as he began sobbing. His head had hit pretty hard, soothing him I reached for Lula.

"Where was that girl?" I grumbled as I picked up Lula, she calmed down but Samuel continued to cry. Sitting on the bed I placed Lula beside me while I rocked Samuel and soothed his hurt.

When I heard footsteps on the stairs I scooped up Lula and got to my feet. I matched out to give Beverly a piece of my mind but stopped when I saw Coal standing awkwardly on the top step.

The older man looked well put together, his hair was combed and his uniform had no wrinkles. He gave me a nod. "Captain Randall is asking about your well being."

I smile. "I appreciate it. Actually I would like to talk to the Captain." Coal nodded. "Are you up for a walk?"

Walking the streets of the fort was so different from walking around the castle, people though few and after between went about their daily lives.

We were stopped about a dozen and a half times by girls and women wanting to meet the babies they had heard so much about. I was starting to feel quite overwhelmed when we finally reached the courtyard.

It was a square flat dirt arena enclosed by buildings that reached 3 stories high; there were 4 entrances, one on each side of the square. Coal led me into a building, it's lobby was small. An older woman greeted us as we entered.

Coal waved but didn't explain himself to her and quickly led me up stairs to the second floor, 4 doors down and on the right he knocked on the door.

I couldn't help the slightest bit of excitement that ran through my blood at the thought of seeing Randall again.

The door opened and Lt. Green peered out. She opened her mouth to speak but stopped and quickly moved so we could enter. "Miss Coral to see you, Captain." She then left pulling Coal with her.

I looked around the large office before my eyes landed on him. He sat at a desk filled with scattered papers. "Good morning." I greeted.