
*POV* Lexus Franklin

Stefon hadn't come home for four days now and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be worried. I had been feeling groggy and ill the last few days. Not feeling like I needed to go to the doctor when I went home, I stood in the kitchen when a knock sounded on the door.

Opening it I was surprised to see Elisabeth standing there, she had a small mask on, that covered her mouth, but I knew it was her. "What do you want?" She pulled her mask off her face and pulled past me.

She stopped right inside the door and scanned the room. "Stefon not here?" I scrunched my shoulders as I shrugged. "What do you want?" She turned to look at me with a serious lift of her chin.

"I need you to help Blue Phantom's," my lip curled in disgust. "Let me finish!" She pulled at her mask, squeezing it as she pulled it off. "We need your help, the supreme military's help. If we don't band together we will all be killed!"

I knew she was talking about all the mutated rune monsters that were crossing the vast river. "I can't help you." I took a hold of the door to steady myself up. "I can't help you." I repeated. She looked at me with a look of concern, and I raised a brow at her look, annoyed I frowned.

"Have you been demoted?" I shook my head. "No! I just can't help you. You are our enemy…" I pause, sighing., "You made yourself our enemy. Now get out!" I pushed off the door, and pushed her out, slamming it shut.

"Why would she come to me.." I leaned on the countertop to finish my tea. An attack on Myana was imminent. I just hoped our powers were enough to stop them. "Maybe we have to go meet them before they reach the city.?" I thought out loud.

I washed my cup, before heading to the office to make some plans to submit to the board tomorrow. But as soon as I reached the doorway biel rose in my throat, I grimaced as I rushed to the bathroom.

'What was wrong with me?'

*POV* Destiny Blaze

Cupping my hand in the cool, sparkling blue water, I drank, then again, before filling my canteen I drank that too. Wiping my chin I looked around the small oasis, it was nestled up against a small cliff.

Soldiers lay under every tree there was, for shade, a small bit of berries growing beside the water caught my eye. Dominic splashed water on his face before squinting up at me. "Feeling better?" I shrugged, moving to fill my canteen again.

"We should reach it in the next couple days." I held my tongue and gritted my teeth. I wanted to go home more than ever. Getting to my feet, I walked over to sit in the shade beside Blaz, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly in greeting.

He had his head against a tree, his clothes soaked with sweat. It was hot. I was sweating too. "Four days and nothing! Are we sure Dominic knows where we are going?" I huffed, eyeing Dominic from my spot in the shade.

"He has spent years in the desert, all we have to worry about is the monsters like the last one." A shiver ran down my spine at the thought. "You're probably right." I had just gotten back on my feet without agonizing pain in one place or another.

Blaz was quiet and I liked that, Dominic called the group to get moving again. I got to my feet, with one last glance at the water we started out again.

It was only an hour later when we were attacked by another monster. It took 10 more of the men before Blaz and I were able to scare it off. As the dust settled I realized with dread that only 5 of us were left.

Dominic, Blaz, me and two others. One of them was Priscilla who was slim, with chocolate brown hair and silver blue eyes. I wasn't sure what power she had but she had managed not to die.

The other was Dominic's friend, Levi; he was a shorter fellow in his late 20s. He had blonde hair and brown eyes.

I got to my feet coughing the dust out of my lungs. "Is everyone okay?" I heard Dominic rasp a couple feet to the left of me.

Priscilla and my eyes met, she struggled to keep standing. Quickly I moved to support her, she gave me a grateful smile. We moved slowly forward, Dominic stood by the others.

"We have to keep moving." Blaz brushed off his arms. "Captain, maybe we should rest for a minute and think of another way to find this place?" Dominic looked around at each of us, then he nodded.

We found a cliff nearby, I left Priscilla in the shade and went over to stand in the small circle the boys were making. Dominic was drawing in the sand. "We are approximately here!" He stabbed his pen into the sand.

On his makeshift map he had drawn some mountains to our right and a box to our left. We were somewhere in the middle of that. "Should we go back to the fort to get some more men?" Suggest Blaz.

I listened quietly as they debated. "Men would be good, but we still have supplies and if we just continue right, I think we should get there." I eyed his map.

"Were you there when the girl was found in the sand? The one with the babies?" Dominic looked at me then shook his head. "No, but I read the reports." He studied his map. "And from what it said it was up here but the red mountains."

I looked around us and could see no mountains in the distance in any direction. "Are you sure we are headed in the right direction?" He looked up from his map. "Yes, we will head closer to the mountains. Use your water and food sparingly."

The strategizing over they spilled up to rest a while I pulled Dominic aside with a gesture. "I hope you are happy with the deaths of all your friends, you should send them all back. I can go alone from here."

He stared at the ground for a minute. "No." He finally spoke. "Lone travelers die out here and groups only barely survive. We are sticking together even if you don't want to."

I fought the urge to shake him until he said yes, but he knew these deserts, and I didn't. "Fine, but I almost died and I don't feel like dying, this stupid journey is growing dangerous." I kicked at the sand.

"Why in the world did you teleport me anyway? This all could have been avoided." He shrugged, drawing my attention to his handsome face. We were about the same height.

"Well it was mainly a survival instinct, because I wasn't sure you would kill me because I was hanging with the wrong crowd apparently. And also because you wouldn't have believed me, plus you seemed like you needed to lighten up a little."

I blanched, taken aback. "Are you calling me up tight!?" I asked flustered, my cheeks heated. "Maybe." He turned on his heel and strolled away. I stared out into the open desert, my brow furrowing and my fists clenched.

"You okay there soldier?" I turned on Blaz. "Stop asking me that!" I shouted before marching off after Dominic.

I would have asked him to fight me just to see who was better, if it wasn't so blasted hot. I continued to be lost in my own thoughts as we continued. Whatever direction we were heading.

The small group was sollon and little words were said, the night came with no portal in sight.