Their majesties

*POV* Randall Franklin, the 2nd

I shook my shoulders and arms out before taking the sword from the boy that was helping me. Already dressed in my silver robes, I sheathed the sword and looked myself over in the mirror.

"I looked funny." I thought with a shake of my head. Today was the day of the ceremony, and Coral had told me to think of it as a second marriage, but this time to the kingdom.

I couldn't help but smile as I saw Coral waiting for me on the raised platform, Andrew stood beside her waiting for me, and the large room was crowded with people.

They clapped until I stopped beside Coral, Andrew spoke after the crowd quieted. "Today we are here for a joyous occasion! To re-crown our beloved Queen and mother of this great kingdom!"

The crowd erupted with cheers. "And-'' Andrew shouted. "Her beloved, this kingdom is great and it will stay that way! Now!" With a smile at Coral he spoke some words I didn't really listen to before he placed Coral's new crown atop her head.

It was gold with sapphire laid in a triangle shape with a large white gem in the center. For me there was a gold circlet with small rubies in it. We turned to bow to the crowd as the room got noisy once again.

Coral led me into a carriage. The city tour was full of cheers as the people came to see their rules. Once we returned to the castle, we sat for 4 hours while someone painted our picture.

I felt stiff once we were finally able to return to our rooms. Guards were placed outside our door in the hall and 6 maids stood ready to help, it was great and all but all I wanted was to be alone with Coral.

Lula and Samuel were happy to see us, and I didn't even get to kiss them before they were being whisked away to bathe and be put to bed.

Food was brought to us, I ate quietly, still not sure I could get used to the feeling of people around us at all times.

The maids only left after Coral finally told them to leave. "Do we have to have them here every time?" Coral sighed tiredly. "They do it because they want to. But I see what you mean." She flopped into bed beside me and snuggled in. "It's been a long day and tomorrow I have to meet with the lords."

She looked over at me. "Do you want to be there?" She asked, I was surprised, but nodded. "Yeah, I will be there." She laughed lightly. "I am so glad you are here, I just hope we didn't make a mistake coming back."

I was about to speak when I noticed she was asleep. I sighed. She was right, if the rune sickness had made its way here we were all in trouble.

"I am happy you are back, your majesty." I eyed the man as he kissed the back of Coral's hand. He was older with a beard that was trimmed close to his jaw in a triangle shape, his black hair was combed back.

"Captain, I am glad you came." Coral replied, taking her hand from him and hiding it in her skirts. "When I got the news you were back, I was overjoyed. I just wanted to apologize for my actions in causing you unhappiness."

Coral smiled sadly. "Magnur was…" she trailed off. "But I have no hard feelings in your regards, you were just following orders." The noble man bowed. "I appreciate it, your majesty."

"But." She straightened her back. "But, I will not be needing you to command my army any longer." He nodded slightly, his brow furrowing. "Well, just tell me where I can be of service, my queen." She smiled stiffly.

Coral continued to meet with the noblemen from 'the most loyal families' as she put it until way after lunch. She asked for their support for her rain and most gave it to her, 2 were undecided.

I watched from my seat beside Coral until a maid came in, I was hoping it was our call to lunch. "Your majesty, there is a problem! The castle is on fire!"

The news had both of us rushing from the room, when we got to the hall of our rooms, a pretty young lady with blonde hair and green eyes, wearing a blue and gray modest victorian style dress, met us with a grimace.

"Your majesty, the fire is out." She told us as Cassy came out of the room and over to us. "Where is Lula and Samuel?!" Coral asked with tears threatening to fall.

"They are in Cassy's rooms, we took them there after." Coral sighed in relief. Hugging the young woman. I watched my heart beating quickly, their powers were growing, but where were we supposed to sleep?

A couple hours later we entered the new rooms, this sweet had 2 rooms off the main sitting room, Coral had them turn one into a nursery with special walls to contain the twins' fire.

The sitting room was furnished well with a couch, a loveseat, a fire place, and a thick rug on the floor. Coral smiled. "And here I was just getting used to my old rooms again." I smiled. "Well now we can get used to our rooms."