
*POV* Destiny Blaze

I almost didn't want to let her go. "Destiny maybe-." Mink laughed, I let her go. "I came as fast as your message reached me." I smiled, T taking her arm, and turning back. My smile faltered as I saw Dominic in the dim light.

"Everything okay?" Mink asked her hand ready to activate a spell, "Yeah, it's a long story." Mink sighed. "Yeah we figured you were taken to the other world? What was it like?" Dominic stepped forward.

"I am Dominic Crane. Nice to meet you." Mink didn't shake his hand. But tightened her grip on my hand. "Do you trust this man?" She whispered to me? I wanted to say no, but. "He helped me get back."

Mink nodded, "Tell me all about it, we can start back in the morning." I agreed. And we passed Dominic with a rush of pants and skirts.

We finished what we had food left over, while sitting around a small fire. "I can't believe you're wearing such.." I couldn't help laughing, I felt safe again with her beside me. And now that I was home, I felt less on edge.

Mink focused on Dominic. "You say there is a portal, while we are here I may as well take a look at it." Dominic was quiet for a moment. "We don't know where it is in this world, we all just woke up laying in the forest after going through." Mink looked surprised.

"That's interesting. Coral said she fell through a big crack in the ground. It has to be somewhere…" I sighed. "You teleported me away Dominic, maybe you could try it again?"

Mink nodded. "That's a good idea." Dominic frowned and stood. "I will be back." He walked into the darkness.

Mink continued to talk with the others, I zoned out my eyes locked on a dark shadow of a tree deep in thought. "I had never thought that Dominic liked me like that! But all the signs were there."

"Are you doing alright?" Mink brought me from my thoughts. I nodded, humming in response. Mink hugged me. And as the others slowly one by one fell asleep, we talked quietly.

The morning came early, I woke to Mink shaking me. "Come on, get up Destiny!" She whispered harshly beside my ear. Covering my ear I sat up. "What's going on?" She motioned around us. "Your friends are gone."

I stood my eyes not quite fully open. "Why? Where did they go?" She shook her head, her black hair swishing on the fabric of her dress.

"No clue, the thing is I was up all night after you fell asleep and I never saw them leave. And the broody one never came back either." My shoulders slumped.

"They must have gone to the city or something because I keep trying to get them to go back." She nodded, but her eyes were wide and she rubbed her arms. "It's just so weird. Why leave? I would have led the way to the castle." She looked up at me.

"Are they thieves?" I shook my head. "Not that I know of." She sighed. "Let's get going." She shoved a piece of cold meat into my hand. As we walked through the trees in the early morning light, I realized how much I had missed this.

It had not been 10 minutes of walking when Dominic came scrambling into our path, he tripped falling. "Dominic?!" I was surprised to see him.

He didn't stay down long and was on his feet in a second. "We have to run!" He whispered shakily. "Why?" But he grabbed us and with a lurch of my stomach, the trees around distorted and so did a large black form that was hurtling towards us.!

As my eyes focused again, on trees again but different ones this time I turned to Dominic panicked. "What the hell was that!?" He looked around us before saying. "It was a rune monster..."

I had no clue what that was but it sounded unpleasant. "Are we safe?" Mink asked, as she scanned the trees. "I don't know. I teleported us randomly." Dominic said with a deep breath.

He was breathing heavily, so I placed a hand on his arm. "Are you okay?" He nodded. "I just don't see why she turned."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" He shook his head. "Priscilla, she came to find me then she turned into one of them."

"Oh," Mink swore, then she spelled up a messenger bird. "We best hurry, if this is contagious?." Dominic nodded. "Then we have to warn the people!" She pointed in the direction of her bird. "that way."

Dominic grabbed my hand then Mink's arm and we teleported. We entered the castle with a bang of doors, Mink wasn't playing. Mink grabbed the nearest maid. "Go tell the Queen, we must talk to her!" The poor child jumped but took off running.

She met us in the hallway dressed and ready to go, behind was a man I didn't recognize. But he seemed to know. "Dominic!?" He shouted going forward to hug Dominic.

I didn't have time to question, bowing or whatever I did. I grabbed her hands. "We have trouble, we have brought a monster through the portal! We have to close up the castle. Who knows how many there are now!"

Coral's face went from happy concern to a frown. "What are you talking about?" The man beside her asked. "It's a rune monster. She came with us as my soldier, but last night she turned." The man beside Coral looked just as worried as Dominic.

"Get all the people into the castle grounds! Close the gates and triple the guards!" Coral commanded. I turned to Dominic. "Come with me, tell me everything you know about these things!?" I spoke, grabbing my sister Pip as we walked out the castle.

"Destiny, what is going on?" She questioned. Running beside me to keep up. "We are being attacked, gather up the guys." She nodded, stopping while I continued to speed walk towards the gates.