The great plan

*POV* Lexus Franklin

I sat up and took the glass Stefon handed me. "So the doctor's are right and I am magically pregnant?" He nodded, and for a man who is alway silent he seemed different.

"Yes, all the tests came back positive. And you are already feeling the effects." I took a breath to calm my beating heart. "Don't worry Lexy-." I held up a hand to stop him.

"I am as happy as I can be, I just." Tears welled up in my eyes, I tried to cover my face with my arm as I set the water back on the table. He gently pulled my arm away and tipped my face towards him.

"Lexy.." he wiped at my tears. "We will go home and Meria will come stay with you. "You are a couple months along. You let me and all the others worry about protecting the city. You just relax." I nodded.

I was tired and overly emotional, and I was starting to get annoyed. "Okay, but I don't want to go home just yet. I will come with you to the office, I have some ideas."

Stefon nodded. "Alright."

When we got to his office, I sat beside him and watched. His second in command entered to inform Stefon that his father wanted to speak to him.

I stilled and took a deep breath as I started to wonder if I should step out while they talked.

Stefon took my hand when I was about to stand.

His father entered with a flourish. "Stefon!" He boomed as he closed the door behind him. "Yes, father?" Keeping a hold of my grand he moved to stand.

"You have been avoiding me." Stefon didn't deny it. "I have been bu-" he sighed, taking a seat in front of us, which was something I had never seen him do. "How are you feeling Lexus?" I was surprised as he smiled tiredly at me.

"I am feeling better.." he turned back to Stefon. I just got word from the last city standing against the river, there are a couple hundred people still alive and I have sent a jet to get them out. But I need you to find homes for them."

Stefon nodded. "We can send them to the Argon fort." They both looked at me as I spoke with an interesting expression." I glared. "I am pregnant, not dumb." I snorted. "The fort is almost half empty and they have the resources to feed them."

My father in law stared at me. "Forget the fort! You're pregnant!?" I realized too late that we hadn't told everyone yet.

Stefon sighed. "Father, the tests have led us to believe so, but we need you to stay calm." I had never seen Mr. Rosell cry. But he was.

Rubbing his eyes he straightened. "Okay, we will send them to the fort, and I am setting up a barrier around this city, but it will take some time."

He said as he got to his feet. "I can't wait to tell your mother." Then he walked from the room.

Stefon sat with a sigh. "We better be ready to see the appointment filled with people when we get home." I laughed.

Stefon was right, when we opened the door there were people in there, but not who we were expecting. "Dominic?!" He was leaning against our cupboard with the woman from before glaring at him. 2 other women were there smiling shyly at us.

I didn't have to ask because I read all of their minds except the purple eyed girl, which gave me all I needed to know.

Stefon stepped forward. "Dominic, you better have a good expansion." Dominic grimaced. "We have come to see about saving you guys." I raised an eyebrow.

Once they had gotten done talking to us Stefon shook his head. "It will be too complicated." Destiny nodded. "It will but that's why we have to start now, if we don't the path even to the portal won't be open to us."

I nodded. "I think it's a great idea! I have been trying to figure out a way to stop thousands of rune monsters rushing us. Even with our powers we will be lost."

Stefon took my hand under the table. Mink who seemed like someone I would love to be friends with nodded. "We can't promise a perfect outcome but, we have been figuring it would be better than letting you all die. And our Queen, Queen Coral of Hilldren, has promised you refuse."

"Coral was a queen!?" I asked, Mink smiled. "She is." Destiny waved a hand. "We have to stay on track here, talk to your higher ups and tell them we will help."

"That girl was actually telling the truth." We all stopped as Elisabeth walked out of a shadow, I stood hurriedly. "How did you get in here!?" She smiled. "That's not important. I just need to know if you would be taking us too.?"

I bit at the inside of my mouth. "Elisabeth, we wouldn't want you to die, but you have caused us problems before, how do we know you're not the one spreading the rune sickness?"

She frowned, everyone was now standing. Stefon wrapped an arm around me. Elisabeth laughed. "I see why you would think that, but the blue phantoms are just people who don't want to live under the council's rule."

I glared at her. "You don't seem like a very friendly person." Destiny commented. "But I vote not to take anyone who would cause us problems in the future." Mink smacked her.

"Well we will see, I am only looking out for the Blue Phantom's, we are humans too. And you all are murderers, if you didn't take us too." I scoffed. "You're one to speak."

She walked to the door. "Think about it!" She said before leaving. "Ugh, why did she have to be listening?" I huffed. Someone asked who she was and I tried my best to explain.