Do you want help?

*POV* Destiny Blaze 

Mrs. Franklin, as she introduced herself, laughed. "You expect me to believe you guys are willing to give us a place in your world!" She laughed again, and I started to feel in a less giving mood.

"Mother…" Lexus reprimanded. "They want to help us, and if you haven't noticed-." Mrs. Franklin cut her off. "You don't have to tell me." 

"We want to help, from what we have observed your monsters are more intelligent than most monsters." Mrs. Franklin sighed. "I can admit that we could use help, but we have an army."

"But from what Coral has said about you not being able to bear children, how long will it be before you all fizzle out?" Mink said, crossing her arms.

Mrs. Franklin sat back in her chair. "I don't like to be proved wrong, but I see your point. I will get in front of the council, and we will see what can be done." I stood. "Lexy, we need to talk some more, over dinner?" 

Lexus nodded with a tight smile. "Okay mother." We left her house and I marveled again at the tall buildings and the bright lights. 

"What if the council doesn't agree?" I voiced in the silent car, Dominic sighed from his seat in the front. "We will spread the word and take whoever wants to come, before closing the portal." 

Mink nodded in agreement. "I will definitely be going." Lexus said quietly. She seemed a little quiet after leaving her mother's place. 

"Are you feeling alright?" I ask. She smiles, holding her tummy. "I will be fine." She looked around. "You guys can stay in Stefon's family villa." 

Lexus left after dropping us off and told us that she would be back when the council was ready to see us. And to make ourselves at home. 

After showering us girls took a seat on the couches in the sitting room. "Cassy you have been quiet, What have you been thinking?" I asked.

She was fiddling with her skirts and looking at a particular spot on the floor. "I think she is going over the fight she and Clay had before we left." Mink whispered close to my ear. "He wasn't too happy about her leaving." I sighed, getting to my feet. 

I sat beside her putting an arm around her shoulders. "How are you doing?" She looked close to tears and I realized we weren't as close as her and Mink. 

"I… I don't know." Her timid voice entered my mind. Mink came over to hug her from the other side. "Don't worry about Clay, he is just a worry wart. As soon as we get back he will be fine." She said, pulling her close as she began to cry. 

Mink and I shared a look, "Everything okay?" Dominic asked as he entered freshly showered, I noticed his hair had grown a bit. "It's all good." I said, as he took the opposite couch. 

"Why is she crying?" I glared at him, Cassy stood and walked out of the room covering her face with her arm. "Just shush!" Mink scolded, following Cassy. 

"Do you not see another?" I asked. He sighed. "I didn't." I scoffed. "It's okay, she will be fine." I sat forward. "Do you want to court me?" I blurted, ready for an actual read on whatever was happening between him and me.

He stared at me for a minute. "If you would let me." I let out a breath, as his words sank in. 

"You infuriate me!" I huffed standing, then grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall.

*POV* Cassy Iris Alreea 

When Lexus came back for us in the morning I had just set the table to feed us all breakfast, cooking in this interesting kitchen was kind of exciting. 

We sat to eat, Lexus smiled at me. "This is delicious!" When we were done she took us to a tall building and then into a large meeting room with 20 or so places for us to sit around a massive table. 

3 men and 2 women waited for us, and Mrs. Franklin. They were all introduced. Destiny directed the conference, explaining why we were here. 

The 2 women on the board were ready to jump at our proposal, but the men were less than pleased. "We do not need your help, we have powers just like you and more than you also." 

One of the older men scoffed. 

I saw Destiny's fist clench. "We just want to help." The conversation continued for a while until Destiny said. "There are a lot of islands on the mainland that are uninhabited, and you all could rule over them. If you keep peace." Destiny finally suggested. 

"It is unfair of us to expect you to leave your homes." Mrs. Franklin tried to convince the others but only one of the men, Mr. Rosell agreed.

Dominic stood. "I will put out the message and all that wish to leave will be taken through the port within the week." Mrs. Franklin smiled.

"Let's get this going, bring only what is necessary!" She said, the meeting over, we followed Mrs. Franklin to her office. "You can take a jet to fort Aragon, and tell the captain there I have sent you. Gather all the people who want to go there!" She said to Dominic as she scribbled on a paper before handing it to him. 

The jet is massive. "This is exciting!" Monique said, as we bored. Destiny hesitated to enter but moved as Dominic placed a hand on her back. "What's going on there?" I asked Mink, she shook her head with a knowing smile. 

My mind turned to Clay and I bit my lip, he had been really mad when we left. I had been frustrated and almost sent him flying. He had a slightly different sense that his powers had been lost.