Under attack 

*POV* Destiny Blaze

Cassy's eyes narrowed as she carefully studied my face. I was growing a little uncomfortable and my fingers started to tap on the table between us. Mink started laughing beside us, pushing her plate away, she got to her feet, "I agree with Cassy, you are acting differently." 

My brows furrowed. "How so?" Cassy smirked, "You changed your hairstyle." Mink nodded, pointing at my hair that was braided into braids starting at my temples, which I had combed that morning. 

"You also have been sitting differently, more relaxed." I shifted my position at Minks words, she grinned. "You are totally dating someone! I have seen these signs before." 

Cassy slammed the table, and I jumped. "She is right isn't she?" I felt interrogated. I nodded, they shared a glance. "It wouldn't happen to be Captain Dominic would it?" 

I felt the heat rising into my cheeks, Mink moved to half hug me from a standing position. "I am happy for you." She said, I pushed her away. In that same second a alarming sound could be heard through the small dorm room and in the hall. 

Standing up I went to open the window. The courtyard below was slowly filling with soldiers. "What's happening?" Mink asked, coming to look over my shoulder. I wasn't sure.

A loud pounding on the door startled us, the horn still screamed. My ears were starting to hurt. We each looked at each other for a minute before I walked to open the door. 

Whoever had knocked no longer stood outside the door when I opened it. The hallway was crowded with scrambling soldiers hurrying out to the courtyard, with a nod to Mink we stepped out following the others. 

The morning air was chilly and with a shiver I stopped in the lines of soldiers awaiting orders. "I wish I had grabbed my jacket." I thought as I folded my arms. 

The alarm still sounded, but a loud sound started at the front of the group. After a minute I realized it was a man's voice being thrown over all of us, after a second it reached our ears as if the man was standing right beside us. 

"We are under attack. The shield will not last for more than an hour under the persistence of the horde of rune monsters!" I looked up at the dome above us. "Your orders are to help get the people on the jets, we will be heading to the portal." 

The soldiers immediately started to break up into small groups and dispersed. I didn't even get to take a step before a loud boom was heard in the distance, then another and another totaling a number of 4. 

A hiss and the dome disappeared. 

"Destiny we have to hurry!" Cassy voiced, Mink grimaced. "I guess we don't have an hour like we thought." I frowned spotting Dominic running towards us. 

I stepped forward to meet him, grabbing his arm. "What's happening?" He shook his head. "Nothing you need to worry about, you guys are going on the first flight with Lexus!" I let go of his arm and looked into his face. 

"You're kidding right?" I turned to point at Mink and Cassy. "You literally have 2 of our best elementals! We aren't going to just run from the danger." Dominic's face shadowed with emotion, I couldn't tell if it was angry or.

He turned on his heel walking towards the medical building. "We aren't going to be able to bring as much stuff as we wanted." I quickly followed falling in step with him, Mink and Cassy followed behind us. 

"The people are what's important." I voiced, he nodded. "We will be sending up to 300 people on the jets at a time, but there isn't time. So 500." My brows knit together. 

"But can they take that load?" He shook his head. "No, I am still figuring it out. Stefon said he could take some through the shadows, but first we have to get a shadow over there." 

It clicked in my mind, an idea entered my mind. "Mink?" I stopped and turned to her. "Maybe you could help the jet stay aloft, even with its heavy load." 

She nodded. "I could try to help, I hate leaving you here though." I smiled and hugged her quickly. "Be careful." She nodded and turned to head in the direction of the jets. 

A high-ranking General, whom I hadn't met before, opened the door before Dominic could and greeted us. "Good Captain! I want you to take a team to the north dome station and see what you can do about getting it working again."

Dominic stiffened, saluted then twisted around and started in the opposite direction. "Dominic, do you want us to come with you?" I called after him. 

The General looked us over with an unreadable expression, as Dominic stopped to look our way. I stepped towards Dominic not giving the General a second glance. 

The General mumbled something as we passed, reaching Dominic I gave him a smile. "Let's go see what we can do."

A couple of minutes later we stood on a street staring down 10 rune monsters. The houses on the street were ransacked, their windows and doors broken. 

"Okay! 15 on the right and 15 on the left!" Dominic shouted to his 30 men. I took hold of the tall slim man's arm beside me and guided the half-scared technopath down the center of the road giving Classy time to kill anything that came close.

"Who are you guys again?" he asked, I pointed to the dirt road in front of us. "Let's focus."

He grimaced and nodded. The sound of fighting reached my ears, I could see Dominic in the crowd. 

My heart skipped a beat, we had been spending lots of time together. I hope we are able to do this and get home safely. 

Cassy moved closer. "Destiny, slow down a little." she voiced, I turned to look at her over my shoulder. She stopped panting for breath, and my eyes widened. 

I stopped and walked over to her, she took hold of my arm with a shaking hand. "I don't know what's wrong." The unease was clear in her voice. 

The tech guy followed. "Is she alright?" he asked, A frown formed on my face as I tried to understand what was wrong with her. 

The air vibrated, and in the same second, there was a flash of bright white light. A massive white tiger materialized beside her and she dropped to her knees, tears in her violet eyes.

The tiger stood 4 feet taller than I, with thick fur, with a large paw it picked Cassy up and with another flash of light Cassy herself disappeared, I was left gaping in surprise.

"Who are you!?"

I shouted up at the Creature, its month opened in something like a grin. "I am Monique." It spoke in my mind, like Casey did. I rubbed my eyes.

"Where did Cassy go?" 

She did not answer however, and with a burst of air she jumped off the ground and over my head, landing in front of the oncoming horde of rune monsters. 

I looked in surprise to see her with a rune monster in her mouth as she turned our way. "Okay, that's new!" the tech guy said with a chuckle. I took a breath, my frown deepening as I clenched my fists before we followed.