
*POV* Randall Franklin the 2nd

Coral's shout rang off the walls of the throne room, the guards kneeling in front of her flinched and scrambled to leave the room. The guard captain shook his thick brown hair and turned to Coral. 

"With all do respect My Queen, but we are coming short on all fronts. Are you sure it was Magnur you saw take your son?" Coral rubbed at her forehead. 

She stood to pace, "I don't know. I figure it's him but-." The door burst open. I stood in surprise as the guards dragged a man in between them. Coral frowned, and I could feel the air cool around us.

"We have him your majesty!" A guard stepped forward to speak, the group of guards was a different one then those had just left. 

The guards captain walked over to pull the man's face up to look at his Queen. Coral gasped. A took a faltering step backwards. "How?" She whispered, I wanted to step closer to her just stilled as her eyes sparked with hatred.

"It is him, Your Mystery." The captain confirmed, Coral stepped forward and down the couple steps to stand in front of him. They stared into eachother eyes before she raised her hand and slapped him hard.

He grunted in pain. "Where is my son!" She yelled at him, frost appearing on the floor around them. "Coral." He managed to say but he shook her head. "Don't deserve to speak my name!" 

"Where did you find him?" The guard that had spoken before spoke again. "In the garden's, your majesty. He didn't put up much of a fight." 

Coral glared at him. I stepped forward to get a better look at him, his clothes were torn and his face covered with bruises. "Where is my son?" Coral repeats in a chilly voice. 

Magnur flinched. "They have him." He mumbled, looking at the floor. Just as he spoke the room filled with a black mist, I stiffened as 4 black cloaked figures materialized from the darkness. 

One was right behind Magnur and with a smile he plunged a dagger into his back, I took a step forward as Magnur slumped to the ground. 

"What a useless man." Chuckling, the man holding the dagger smiled at Coral.

"I have your son. And you will not be getting him back." They faded away with the darkness, Coral crumbled, I rushed forward and grabbed for her but the captain beat me to her.

His blue eyes met mine. "Who are these guys?" He asked, looking down at his limp Queen, I frowned. Fear grew inside of me and I could almost feel the shadowy man still looking at me. 

I realized with a pang of fear that it was Samuel's emotions I was feeling. The captain carried Coral while I led the way back up to our rooms. Magnur was gone for good, that was for sure, the pool of blood that covered the floor in the throne room made it so. But those shadow men were a whole new problem.

Dixie let out a screech when we entered the room, She had Lula in her arms and hauled her in dancing. She had gladly been tasked with trying to keep Lula happy. 

"What happened?" She asked coming to meet us, Coral was placed on the bed before the captain took his leave. "They found Magnur." Dixie gasped and looked Coral over. "He didn't hurt her right." 

I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, as I told Dixie what had happened Lula began to cry. Dixie was near tears also as she held tightly to Lula. "This is a giant mess." Dixie huffed, swinging Lula about. I agreed with her as I let my fingers brush the hair away from Coral's face.

There was a knock on the door before it opened and Pip came in followed by a guard. "I heard Coral isn't feeling well, but I thought you would like to know that the army just sent word that they have started to find random people dressed in interesting clothes laying around in the forest."

I nodded in acknowledgment. "That's good. Send them word that Coral will come meet them as soon as she is available." Pip nodded to the guard who left before she came farther into the room.

"What happened?" I managed to tell her what happened, before Coral started to stir. 5 minutes later Coral's eyes opened wide before the tears started to flow.

I took her in my arms while she cried, bitterness and sadness had tears threatening my own eyes. 

It was hours later that she finally got up and straightened her shoulders. "We should probably go meet Destiny." She said half heartedly. I pulled her close and kissed her cheek.

 "Cheer up, by the sound of it those shadow guys think they have their lord or whatever. So Samuel would be safe for now. It gives us time to find a way to get him back." 

Coral sighed but her eyes sparked back to life. "You're right." She agreed, calling the maids to help her get ready to meet their friends.