Reunion and decisions

*POV* Coral sparks

A smile set on my face I ducked, stepping into the tent, Lexus and Annabelle Franklin stood immediately as I entered. Clay shifted nervously on my left while Randall held my arm on my right. 

"My son!" Annabelle gushed coming forward followed by Lexus who looked extremely happy. "Oh, Randall you rascal! I can't believe you left without telling me!" 

After patting his cheek she looked at me with a smile, but Randall shifted a little and let go of my arm to give his mother a hug.

His father came close and while the family reunited I made my way to my chair, Clay stood beside me while everyone found their seats again. 

In the commotion 4 others were let into the tent. 3 more men entered and a woman, who gave me a look before they found a seat. 

It seemed the table was split, on my right was their people, on my left was Pip while Clay stood beside me. 

Randall took a seat beside Lexus and gave me a smile. I hoped all my friends hurried back. Annabelle soon turned her attention to me, "I know not everyone is here. I have been looking at your map." She shifted in her chair. 

"It is quite uncanny that the land masses of our worlds are so similar." I agreed with her, she looked unsure. "We really appreciate you helping us, but we have no desire to be ruled by." She paused.

"A Queen."

Clay finished for her. "Well, yes." Annabelle looked down at her hands while the rest of the table watched me closely. Mine and Lexus's eyes met. 

She let out a breath and clasped her hand on the table. "Destiny said that there might be a way that we came have our own economy and government on some land that Hilldren is not using. Maybe." 

Her mother nodded her head. I tapped my chin and looked up at Clay for any advice. He frowned. "What is stopping you guys from attacking us as soon as you settle in?" 

My jaw dropped, pushing back my chair, I stood. "Clay-" the tent flag opened again, which drew my attention, Mink entered with Destiny's arm over her shoulder. 

"Sorry we are late." She voiced as she brought Destiny over to a chair to sit down. Glaring at Clay I took my seat again. 

"We were just discussing what land our friends could have." 

Lexus stood quickly. "For a price of course, we can't expect you to carry us to greatness, we are talking about building another country here." 

Their side of the table nodded their head in unison. "We will pay you back." Annabelle confirmed. 

I looked at Destiny. "You had an idea?" 

She bit at her lip thinking, I realized she looked a little beating up. "What happened?" I thought as she stood.

"I figured we could house them until we could make a more permanent deal."  She suggested, I thought for a second. 

"I don't mind housing them, but if our people are crowded it will cause problems." Mink stood.

"I could contact a couple sea men I know, there are a couple islands that are quite big and mostly uninhabited that might work."

Annabelle stood in excitement. "That could work! Name a price and we will see what we can do." 

I could feel her excitement from across the table. 

"That's an idea. I will talk it over with my court." 

My nose wrinkled at the thought of the meeting, "We can come up with a situation that is agreeable to all." 

"Any questions?" No one's hands rose and no one spoke. "Okay, I am sorry that tents are all we can offer. But we have food and plenty of blankets." 

Annabelle shared a glance with Lexus who nodded. She stood and thanked us loudly again. 

"We will export you up to the castle tomorrow when we are ready." I stood too glancing at Randall, the rest of everyone stood also.

Annabelle left the tent followed by her people except Lexus and Randall. I shed my royal managers and quickly moved to give her a hug. 

Lexus smiled against my cheek, "I am happy you are doing better." She voiced, I felt tears prickly at my eyes as memories of Samuel filled my mind. 

"Where's Cassy!?" Clay was saying, I pulled away from Lexus to look at Clay who was staring down at Destiny. 

"Calm down Clay." Mink shook her head. "She is fine, She headed back to the castle to rest." 

She was hardly finished before Clay was leaving. 

"I hope that works out." Pip commented. "He has been moody since she left." I couldn't help but agree with her and Lexus chuckled. 

"A lot has happened." I sighed. 

Randall came over to hold my hand, I snuggled into his side as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Lexus's brows furrowed.

"What happened to Samuel?" The mention of his name had my lip quivering. Randall saved me from having to speak, tears entered my eyes as he told everyone what had happened.

Lexus stared at Randall with fear in her eyes. "You have got to be kidding me." Mink voiced while Pip looked grim and Destiny starred a hole into the table. 

The solemn silence was interrupted by someone entering the tent. Dominic and Stefon entered to the joy of Lexus and Destiny, I watched as each couple expressed their gratitude that the other had made it safely here.

Stefon took Lexus's hand soft and pulled her in his arms, my eyes met his and I braved a smile. I could hear the whisper as Lexus told him what happened, his face fell into a frown.

"As much as I wanted them all to help me, I could ask them too. They have been through, already."

My thoughts were interrupted by Pip as she came over to stand beside me. 

"Coral, Let's get back to the castle." I hummed in agreement, Lexus came over to give me a hug before I stepped out of the tent into the chilly late evening air.

It was a warmer day than usual and the snow had melted, but as the sun set the cold set in. 

Pip, mink and Destiny all clambered into the carriage after Randall and I, after we had started moving I asked Mink how everything had gone. 

She explained it all up to them being here. "Dominic blew up the portal?" Randall asked in surprise, Mink nodded. 

"After everyone was through, yes." 

As they continued their conversation my eyes wandered out the window to the sight of the large number of people in the encampment, it had to be at least a couple thousand.