together, not forever 

*POV* Lexus Franklin 

Stefon placed a kiss on my forehead effectively pulling me from my sleep. "Wake up Lexy, we have to go." 

I pushed back the blanket and got out of the bedroll. Taking Stefon's arm as he helped me from the tent. Mother stood beside a large carriage talking with Cassy when we approached, "Good morning dear." 

At the castle, I couldn't help but stare as we rolled through the gates. Mother was locked in a conversation with Stefan's father and how we would make the necessary money.

Coral met us at the doors and led us to a large meeting room. I was having a hard time taking in everything. Mother and Coral shook hands and stood. "I will send my best General to show you to the dorks, I will also pay your fair across the ocean."

I could see Mother visibly swallowing her pride as she nodded. "Thanks a lot." Then we were led downstairs and back to the carriage, I looked wistfully back at the castle as we drove away. 

*POV* Destiny Blaze

"You're kidding right?" Dominic looked completely serious. "No I am not, come with us." I sighed. 

"But my family is here." 

Dominic stepped closer to me and placed a hand on my waist, I looked up at him. And I knew I would go anywhere with him. "I know, but." I put a hand to stop him.

"I will have to tell Coral I am leaving. So maybe we could stay here and then teleport to the docks after?" 

He looked satisfied and pulled me under his arm and walked towards the long line of carriages. Lexus greeted us and asked Dominic how he was doing. 

I waited patiently for them to be done talking before we walked away towards the castle.

*POV* Randall Franklin the 2nd

I glanced at Stefon, he tapped his chin. "I could try it. But I have never tried to find a person in the darkness." My heartbeat quickened at the prospect of this working.

"Do I need to come with you?" 

Stefon shook his head. "No need." He replied before he was gone. I looked over at Lexus and hugged her. "I will come visit." She smacked my arm lightly. "I expect you to. Or you could just be a stranger like usual and make me come see you." 

I shrugged. "We will see." She smiled and reached up to kiss my cheek. "I hope everything works out for you Randall." I hugged her tightly again before I helped her into the carriage.

"Randall!" I stopped as my mother came walking up to me. "As much as I am still mad at you right now, I am happy you found someone to be by your side." We hugged then I helped her into the carriage, I waved as it set off.

Pip came over with another girl around her age in tow. "Hey Randall, did you see where Destiny went?" I pointed in the direction of the castle, she gave me a smile and pulled the other girl away.

I sighed and waited for Stefon.

*POV* Coral Sparks

Everything had soothed out some, and General Darkwood soon returned with the news that the ships had set sail. 

Randall fretted about Stefon, I watched as he paced the floor. I was worried too. Randall had told me he had decided to go see if he could find Samuel, but now I wondered if something had happened to Stefon also.

Dixie entered the room with a maid bringing tea. Lula shifted on my lap her piece of apple half-eaten. "Randall stop pacing and come have some tea." 

I had decided that as long as Randall could sense Samuel I would be at least a little bit okay. Randall came over to sit beside me and took the tea Dixie handed to him. 

Destiny entered with Dominic and announced that they would be leaving, I was reluctant to let her go. But had decided who was I to stop her from doing what she wanted.

Love conquers all right? 

I gave them a smile as they left again and took the tea offered to me, taking a sip I lost myself in my thoughts.

The door opened in a flurry of silk as King Desmond entered, I stood quickly as a foot annoyed his arrival. "Sorry for my sudden visit, Queen Coral. But what is this I am hearing about portals and other nonsense?"  

I held my breath for a second before I motioned for him to sit. "I will explain." He frowned, brushing his graying hair off his forehead. "You better." He sat. 

When I was done explaining he stood. "Well I want no part of this, and if they cause any trouble, I am blaming you!" With that he swept from the room. 

I grimaced taking a deep breath, I had only met Kind Desmond once before, but by the looks of it he hadn't changed. I waved a hand at the question around me and stood. "It will all be fine. Now I am going to take a nap."