The night part 2

*POV* Kalea Rosell

I stared at Lula in shock, she smiled sheepishly before she grabbed the brush off my bed. "Come on, it will be fun! It's not often that you get to come to Elesor let alone Kalvoke."

I protested as she brushed her hair into a high ponytail. "But mother will be mad, I don't want her to worry." I wasn't the type to explore foreign cities but it just so happened Lula was, she walked behind me and guided me to a chair. 

As she brushed my hair to be identical as hers she smiled at me through the mirror. "Don't worry I won't let anything happen, we will only be gone an hour." I didn't believe her, her right eyebrow twitched like it always did when she lied.

I gave in and let her drag me from the castle, but as we were about to enter our carriage Prince Bartholomew and his group of lackeys came into the courtyard.

Lula quickly pushed me into the carriage and hopped inside telling the driver to go. But Bartholomew told the driver to wait as he opened the door. "Where are you ladies off too?" 

Lula was seething but she held her tongue in check as she told him we were going for a drive in the countryside. 

He seemed disinterested as Lula had hoped, she pushed him back and slammed the door in his face. The carriage started moving, I sat back as Lula simmered. 

I had met Prince Bartholomew first 6 years ago when Queen Coral and King Desmond decided that Lula and Bartholomew would be a perfect match for marriage. 

I hadn't seen him much after that, but Lula had spent weeks on end in Elesor. By the way Lula was acting I guessed it wasn't going too well.

The city streets were mesmerizing, nothing like the ones back home. Concession stands lined the narrow streets with colorful banners and sweet smells. 

Lula handed me a cloak, before she pulled me down the busy streets. There were so many things to look at that it was almost twilight when we started on our way back to the castle.

As I had suspected Mother was mad, she marched up to our carriage and pulled us both back into the castle with the look that sent chills down my back.

I knew she could read my mind, I was not hiding from her power but Lula was. "What were you two thinking?!" She asked as she shut the door to our sweet.

"We just wanted to see the city, mother." I replied, hanging my head, she shook her head in disappointment.

"Pack up we are leaving in the morning." She left with a disapproving look at Lula. Lula had stayed quiet all this time but now sighed. "I am sorry, I didn't expect her to be that mad." 

"Why wouldn't she be." My voice rose. "After what happened to my father." Lula's face fell.

I had never met my father, my uncle Randall told me stories that she was in the shadows looking for Lula's twin who had been lost when they had come across worlds.

But mother had always told me stories of before powers were a thing. I missed him even though I had never seen him. 

Lula looked sad, but she straightened her shoulders and took a deep breath. Unlike me she remembered the one she had lost. 

"Let's go for a walk." I suggested, trying to lighten the mode. Her smile was small, but she walked beside me.

We left the castle and stepped into the gardens, the sky was dark and the air filled with the smell of smoke. 

A while later I was pretty sure we were lost, Lula wasn't talking and I kept my mouth shut not wanting to intrude in her thoughts.

I stopped as the sound of someone talking reached my ears, Lula stopped beside me as a young man stumbled out of the bushes and into the dimly lit street. 

Lula took a hold of my arm protectively. "Be careful he might be a creep." I nodded as he stumbled and regained his footing and glanced up at us. 

"Oh, pardon me ladies." He spoke. Lula scoffed, stepping in front of me. "I suggest you keep walking buddy, we aren't in the mode for idiotic kids." 

The boy snorted a laugh, and looked Lula over. "Kid? I am pretty sure we are the same age, Miss." Lula smirked, I grimaced as her hand filled with fire. 

He didn't move however and actually stepped closer. "You won't happen to know we're I could find a well would you?" The fire vanished. 

"That way." Lula pointed in the direction we were headed. He nodded. "Thanks!" He turned to walk away when in front of us out of nothingness stepped two figures. 

"Dude, that was harder than I thought!" A younger male voice whispered to his companion.

"We have to hurry, they aren't far behind-." The other voice sounded older, he stopped as they turned and caught sight of us.

The younger one cursed. "Now what?" He asked, I gripped Lula's arm with my hand as behind them 4 men stepped out of nothing. 

"Watch out!" The boy yelled as the 4 cloaked men rushed the newcomers. Lula pulled me away but I frowned, not wanting to leave them to be killed.

"We can help them!" I insisted, she groaned but her hand filled with fire and she rushed into the chaos. 

"I am Kylo, by the way." I jumped slightly as I realized I hadn't seen him come closer. "Kalea, and she is Lula. Do you have any idea who those guys are?" 

He frowned, then shook his head. "No clue." A rustling in the bushes beside us had me side stepping away, only to bump into Kylo. 

Whatever had been coming through the bushes was met by the flying body of one of the cloaked guys. They clumped in a heap. 

"You okay?" Kylo steadied me on my feet, I nodded up into his silver eyes that glowed slightly with a dim light.