Hot mess

*POV* Kylo Hillmore

I eyed the fancy carriage with a bit of apprehension as Samuel held the door open for me. "Having second thoughts?" He asked, I wasn't really, it was more the surprise of seeing the pretty girl from the other night


She sat between an equally beautiful woman and a large man with a look on his face that had a shiver running up my spine.

"No." I said quickly and before I could rethink it, I pulled myself up and into the soft purple seat. Samuel got in behind me and sat

between me and a man, who didn't look happy.

As the carriage started moving, I wondered if I wished I was sitting up top with the driver. "Hello Kylo. It is really nice to meet you."

The woman greeted me. "I am Lexus, and this is my husband Stefon and our daughter Kalea."

Her introductions had me sitting straighter in my seat. "We are glad you are coming along." After Lexus was done speaking Kalea gave me a small wave. "Hi." She smiled, her cheeks a rosy pink.

In the light of the day, it was amazing how beautiful she really was. Her long brown hair was braided back, but loose strands framed her cute face and her copper eyes that watched me curiously.

I made an awkward wave back, very aware of her father's stare. "So, what takes you to Hilldren?" I asked, trying to fill the awkward


Lexus smiled and looked at Samuel. "We are on our way to see the Queen." My mouth fell open at her words. "The Queen?" She nodded. "Yes, we have important business with her."

Kalea laughed softly. "Mama, I think Kylo doesn't realize who he is riding with." Lexus chuckled. "Oh, I see." I wondered what they were talking about and started to get worried.

"I am Lexus Rosell, daughter of first President Annabelle Franklin of Aurora." My brow rose and I looked to Samuel to confirm her words,

he shrugged.

"Well, um nice to meet you." I said stiffly, Kalea giggled, and I felt my face heat up. "My name doesn't really matter among friends

though, like I said we are glad you are with us."

She and her husband shared a look, I looked out the window and watched my home town slowly shrink from view.

*POV* Lula Sparks Franklin

I stepped from the carriage in a fit of uncontrollable rage, the carriage wheel had broken twice while driving. I had received a message from King Desmond himself.

It read. "Princess Lula of Hilldren, my son's death was no accident. So, I advise that you be extra careful in your return. K. Desmond."

It wasn't his message that was making me mad, it was the fact that I was realizing that this wasn't over. Now I would have to spend even

more time in the Elesor castle.

The servants trailed behind me as I sped walked up to my room, I ignored the maid's as I bathed and dressed to go meet King Desmond and give him my family's condolences.

As I was admitted into his private sitting room, I clenched my fists in my skirts as I curtsied. "Good afternoon your majesty." He was

standing by the window looking out over the castle grounds.

"Princess Lulu, I am glad you have arrived." He turned to look at me. "My mother and aunt Lexus send their blessings to you and your

kingdom." I blurted out, wanting to get this over with.

"As much as I appreciate it, it doesn't matter much." But his words didn't sound at all sorrowful. "I don't understand." I said my voice a low whisper.

"I know all the other royal families think that I am incompetent and foolish. But it's best if they think that way." He paused and

walked closer to me standing a respectful distance away.

"You will be glad to know I do not suspect Hilldren for hurting my boy. But it is just as well that I had my plan in action at my son's

birth. Darkness is coming to our world, I just hope we can stop it."

I was trying to understand his words as he looked up at the ceiling. "What do you mean?" He smiled. "Bartholomew was not my son, he was a servant boy. I gave the potion of my son for show."

I stared at him. "That means. . ." He was about to speak when there was a loud knocking on the door. He bellowed for the person to

enter, I tensed not wanting to be caught unawares.

The information I was being given was too much to take all at once. If I was still engaged then, I was to marry the prince of Elesor.

Which one was now the question?

I turned as the door opened and a smart looking guard walked in, he was well dressed in a forest green cape hanging from his shoulders, his thick brown hair was combed back, and his eyes looked more intelligent than at first glance.

"You called your majesty?"

I felt like I had seen the young guard around the castle before, randomly the thought struck me. "It's him isn't it!?" I took an unsteady breath, and straightened my body, tilling my chin up just a hair more.

His majesty walked over to whisper in the guard's ear before he moved away, the guard left the room. "There is someone I would like you to officially meet Princess." He spoke as he walked back towards me.

"Who?" I asked with a shaking voice, he actually smiled. "My son of course." My whole body was even more on edge as I waited for this allusive son to come through the door.

"Is the agreement with my mother still in effect?" I asked as we waited, I had almost been too stunned to speak but I forced myself to speak.

"Actually no, my son does not wish to marry someone he does not know." I almost sighed in relief. "However. I would love to see a match

made with Hilldren with it is possible."

My mind was spinning with information as the door opened and without introduction walked the most-. I stared at the young man not much older than me as he walked into the room, he was dressed in a light brown tunic and

pants his brown hair was a mess of tangles.

His hazel eyes were framed by the hair that fell over his forehead. "Your majesty." He greeted, with a slight bow. I was frozen as Desmond walked over to thump his son on the back.

"Son, I would like you to meet Princess Lula Sparks of Hilldren." Hazel eyes looked me over, I felt exposed as Desmond continued.

"Lulu, I would like you to meet my son, Zander."

I forced myself to move, to curtsy low. "Nice to meet you." I spoke quieter than I had ever before. It felt strange, he didn't return the

bow or say anything, however.

But his eyes continued to be glued on me, staring at me. "Aren't you that girl who fell off her horse into the manure pile last week?"

My cheeks heated and my heart was slammed back to reality.

My hand twisted to smack him, but I grimaced instead. "I guess that's me." I said before I turned to the king. "Would you please excuse

me, I would like to eat before resting."

Desmond looked a bit disappointed but nodded. "Walk Princess Lula to her room please, Zander." He didn't offer his arm but instead walked over to the door and waited for me to follow.

This worked for me, I walked past him, my skirts brushing into his legs. The man was a fool if ever there was one, I was pretty sure if

you opened up his brain there would be 2 dust bunnies in there and that's it!

I stomped all the way to my room, not giving him a chance to walk with me. He didn't even seem to be anywhere in the hall as I slammed my door shut.

Was he playing me for an idiot? No fool could be that handsome and disheveled in the same breath.

Gritting my teeth, I made my way over to the window seat and flopped into the mountain of pillows only to be distributed by knocking on my door.

I marched over and yanked it open to see the guard from before standing there holding out some flowers. I glared at them. "What are

these for!?" I asked, he pushed them out towards me.

"The prince wanted to wish you a good night." I scoffed, grabbed the yellow daisies from his gloved hands. I called my flame with a

whisper and watched in satisfaction as they fell to the floor in a pile of ash.

"Tell." I leaned close to whisper. "Your prince, that I don't need his good night wishes!"

The guard watched surprised as I slammed the door once again, "What a weirdo. It's not even night. I said to the room, as I pulled a

piece of paper from my pocket and started to write to Kalea.