
*POV* Lula Sparks Franklin

Iceis found me in the small dining room the next morning. "Lula, I hope you are feeling better. I asked Derrick if I could go into the

city today, I was hoping you would come."

I sat forward in excitement, she grinned knowingly. I ate quickly while she talked about the birds, she had spotted in the greenhouse

that morning.

When I was finished, she linked arms with me and pulled me downstairs and into a carriage that waited for us. 4 guards followed us on


When we got close to the city's limits Iceis had the carriage stop and we got out. "Walking is so much more fun." She said, the guards dismounted and followed us into the bustling city.

Once we reached the marketplace Iceis ooed and awed at every stand, we talked about fabric, food, jewelry and everything under the sun. And soon the guards were weighed down by their heavy loads.

Right before the sun reached the center of the sky Iceis said we should probably head back. As we walked down the street, we talked

about how she had 2 young girls in the Ironhaul castle, and she was suffering

from an illness that restricted her from having any more children.

All of a sudden, I was grabbed by the arm, I looked up into the face of a drunkard. He swayed on his feet; he mumbled something about me being pretty, but he didn't get very far before one of the guards punched him in the face.

Iceis grinned as the brown-haired guards turned to face us. "We should hurry back to the carriage you majesty." Iceis smiled, thanked the guard before she pulled me closer.

The guards didn't let anyone else get near us until we reached the carriage. The ride back to the castle was filled with more heartfelt talks, I hadn't realized I had talked so much until my throat grew dry.

Iceis went to her room as soon as we got back saying she wasn't feeling all too well. I sigh and watch the guards pack all of the stuff into the castle.

I hadn't bought anything except a blouse Iceis had told me was beautiful and it would make my blue eyes pop. I grimaced and headed for my room.

Sometime later I opened the door to a knock and saw the young guard standing there with a small clay box in hand. "His highness wishes

you to take this gift." I stared at the box and thought back to the flowers I had turned to ashes.

"I have no need for gifts from his highness." I said curtly. "Take it back to him, I don't want it." The guard's eyebrow rose but he didn't turn away. "Is there anything else you would like to say?"

He shook his head. "His highness worked hard to get it just right, do you not want to at least look at it?" I glared at him and snatched the box and ripped it open.

Something clattered on the floor, and I leaned down to pick up the small bottle, even smaller than the healing elixir. It was tied on the

end of a string.

It was also made from porcelain. "What's in it?" I questioned, the guard shrugged then bowed and turned and left. I glowered after

him and opened the bottle and brought it to my nose, it smelled like flowers.

I corked it and eyed the small leather string wondering if I should put it on. A scream pierced the air, I rushed to my window and stared at the courtyard below.

Shadowy men in dark cloak's roamed inside, I watched one stab a servant man in the heart before leaving him for dead. I rushed to the

door and slammed it shut before I hurried to slip on my boots.

Something inside of me told me to grab my dagger on the dresser before I rushed for the door. I hurried down the hallway only to round

the corner and bump into King Derrick, he held tightly to Iceis's hand.

"Princess Lula." The Ironhaul king said in a sigh of relief. "You should stick with us dear." Iceis grabbed me and pulled me behind her

husband and linked our arms.

"What's going on?" I asked, "The shadow realm is attacking Elesor, the reason is unknown." She whispered; Derrick led us down the hall crowd with crying servants.

"Where is King Desmond?" I asked. "We aren't quite sure." Iceis said quietly. All of a sudden, a sword was thrust through Derrick's chest

and Iceis screamed. I pulled away from her and rushed the cloaked man with my dagger cutting.

I hit him on the arm and shoved a flame into his chest, he grunted falling onto the floor. I turned back to Iceis; she was holding her

husband up where he clutched at his chest.

"Can you walk!?" He nodded, clearly in pain. "Iceis!" I turned as her name was called and watched the young brown-haired guard running towards us with about 5 others.

"We need to get your majesties out of here." he said, taking Derrick's other arm around his shoulder. "Yes." Iceis breathed clearly

struggling to keep calm.

"Where is his Majesty?" I asked with a voice that didn't sound like mine. "He has been taken by them." I stared at him in horror. "What! What about the prince!?" The guard gave me a will you shut your mouth look.

I frowned and was about to press him for answers when a cloaked man ran at us, 2 guards got between him and us, and Iceis pushed me forward.

As we entered the courtyard the other 2 guards were instantly caught in a fight. We pressed forward towards the stables, my heartbeat quickened. While the brown-haired guard saddled the horses I stood at the door

with the other guard.

I could see sweat collecting on her forehead. "Have you ever seen anything like this?" I asked, she was an older woman. She shook her head.

"Here they come." I focused and forced myself to run forward to meet the 3 cloaked men coming towards us, my dagger clashed with one of their swords. I fought him off wishing I had a sword.

I cried out as his blade sliced my hand, dropping my dagger. I danced backwards holding my hand to my chest. All of a sudden, I was moving, the ground beneath me rose and I was tossed into the air.

I screamed only to land atop a moving horse, my arms circled around the guard's waist as I squeezed my eyes shut. "Dang it..." I muttered, I could feel my hand blooding and it stung like hell.

I peeked through half opened eyes as Mischief jumped something and landed again, I squeezed my eyes shut again until we had cleared the hall, and we were racing down the road away from the castle.

I opened my eyes and saw his hair flying in the wind, the sun glinting off the brown strand's almost making them gold. I looked behind us

to see Iceis hurrying to catch up, Derrick slumped behind her.