
*POV* Kylo Hillmore

I had spent all day in the middle of the training building trying to get the shadows to do exactly what I wanted. To move a crate around or, doing jumping jacks. The possibilities were endless.

The shadow men seemed for the most part to obey, unless they felt threatened and destroyed anything in their path to chase Samuel around the room.

Samuel laughed once I had pulled them back in and said it was alright, he was actually having fun.

We stepped outside into the evening air and I took a breath relaxing in the breeze that cooled the sweat that had collected in my hair. Stefon hadn't returned, he had told us that an emergency had come up and Coral needed him elsewhere.

"When will Stefon be back?" I asked Samuel as we watched a couple servant girl skaters pass us. "It could be days." He replied with a

shrug. We made our way into the castle and down to the kitchens.

"Don't act like an important person and we can get all we want." Samuel whispered before we reached the doors, we entered, the smells in

the room flowed past us like a wave that had my stomach grumbling.

"What can I do for you boys?" A woman in her 40's greeted us, she was busy with her hands elbow deep in a thick pile of dough. "We just

want something to eat." I said hungrily, her eyebrows knitted together.

"All you younglings eat in the east tower with your classes, did you forget?!" I looked at Samuel for something to say. "Gen, be nice to the boys, with how much they are working into the ground studying all day it's a wonder they can stand. Here let me take you back to the tower."

A pretty girl in her late teens wiped her palms on her apron and skipped over to us. "I am Helena, my brother is training to be a knight to.

Come on!" She pushed a cookie into my hand then Samuel's before she headed for the door.

At this point I was pretty sure I would do anything for food, so I followed, and Samuel did also. She chatted about how her brother was one of the best knights in the kingdom until we reached the east tower.

"I have to head back, so this is as far as I can go. So, see you around!" She smiled and ran off. "Well, I guess we go in." Samuel looked at

me, I hesitated.

After a second, I pushed the door open and walked in Samuel stuck beside me. The room was in an uproar of laughter and boys talking above the natural volume. 

We stared until Samuel spotted a line where we could grab a plate, we hurried over, I was confused by some interesting looks sent our way. When we had our plates, I glanced over the room for a place to sit at one of the dozen tables set around the room.

"What a mess." Samuel leaned close to say, I agreed, to spots on a bench opened up and I led Samuel towards them. We set our trays down at the table around us.

"Who are you guys?" Voiced a boy with red hair and freckles painted across his face. I sat and turned my eyes to him. He and his friends, a brown-haired boy and a black haired boy, looked uneasy.

"We haven't seen you around, where did you come from? You seem kind of old to be training to be knights." I started eating, "I can't say you look much like a knight either." Samuel spoke from beside me.

"Hey!" He yelled, officially taking a-fence from Samuel's words. "Shut up and eat!" Samuel told the kid, his mouth clamped shut and the

boy looked almost ready to cry. Samuel seemed to have that effect on people.

When we were almost finished, the red head spoke again. "You can't just tell me to shut up!" He stood up knocking on the table. I hoped

Samuel wouldn't fight him. I was too tired, but I also wanted to see what would happen, so I stayed quiet.

"Why not?" Samuel looked up at him lazily, "Come on Thor, we aren't supposed to cause trouble." The black-haired friends grabbed at his arm. "Leave then!" He barked at his friends. "But I have to defend my pride." Those

around the table hurried off seemingly uninterested in the dispute.

But from the look of it the rules they had to follow were enough to make his friends run. I finished my plate and Samuel stood coming

about 5 inches taller than the other boy in height.

"What's your name again?" Samuel asked to my surprise. "Thor?" Thor glared at him; Samuel stepped away from the table.

"How about we go outside Thor, you wanna fight?" I got up too and Thor visibly gulped, "You aren't scared, are ya?" Samuel asked him, a glance around us showed the room half empty and those inside were totally silent.

"No! No…" Samuel gestured at the door. "Then let's go." Thor scrambled to his feet and rushed for the door, Samuel walked after him and I had to hurry to catch up.

Thor turned right and Samuel went left. "Where are we going?" Samuel shrugged. "I was thinking a nap might help, before we go train again." I cracked a smile, as I imagined Thor waiting for us.

*POV* Samuel Sparks

Once Kylo had left me to head to his room I snuck out around the castle to hide behind the training yard Thor stood in watching the entrance clutching a sword. If I was going to teach this boy a lesson, he was going to

learn something.

A couple of onlookers who had come to watch Thor and I fight left, I waited until everyone was gone and Thor himself was getting anxious.

The guy had patience if nothing else.

I hopped the stone fence and landed on the ground. He spun around to face me with a look of terror on his face. "Calm down it's just me."

His shoulders dropped.

"What took you so long?" he asked, eyeing my body for weapons. I pulled out my dagger and tossed into the air before catching it again.

"Any rules you want to put in place before we fight?" He watched me in a hot anger I didn't feel. "Nothing, I want to fight you without

holding back." He was reckless. I watched how he moved his hands twisting and retwisting on the hilt of his sword.

"Are you sure?" He grimaced and nodded. "Of course I am, I am not a coward!" I stuffed my dagger into my belt and nodded. "Okay, you make the first move."

He lunged at me with a cry of furious rage, I side stepped his attack and backed away feeling out his clumsy movements. "How are you?" He frowned and stopped at my question, as soon as his guard lowered, I rushed forward and slammed my fist into his jaw.

He fell to the ground stunned as he stared up at me. "You lowered your guard." At my words he shook his head and scrambled to his feet

and grabbed his sword. "2 can play that game." He muttered.

"You're no knight, why are you in the castle?" He asked, I shrugged as we circled one another. "I haven't figured that out yet." His brow furrowed at my words.

"Do you fight with magic?" He shook his head. "Oh, that's a shame this would be more fun if I could burn you a little." Thor grimaced. "I

dare you to try it!"

I shrugged. "I have no intention of killing you, so how old are you?" He kept his guard up. "16." He looked younger with his rounded face

and his eyes burned with an element that wasn't there.

I pulled my dagger from my belt and lunged at him slamming him to the ground and pushing its sharp blade to his throat. "Let me tell you

what you are going to do." He glared at me, I smiled which had him squirming.

"You are going to become my underling; you are going to do everything I say." He looked at me confused. "Why?" He asked.

I pulled my knife away and got to my feet, "Because I need someone to tell me what is going on around here, I need eyes and ears."

He slowly got to his feet and looked more confused than ever. "And what would I be spying on?" I turned to look at him.

"Everyone, I want to know what is happening in my mother's kingdom, and if you breathe a word of this to anyone, I will burn you alive."

He looked skeptical.

"You sound insane. But I will help only because you are so good at fighting. Where's that gray eyed guy that was with you?"

I shrugged. "I don't know." He pushed his sword into his sheath just as a bell sounded through the castle yard.

"Oh, crap I am late!" He waved at me before rushing from the yard. "I wonder how long it will be before mother is wondering what I am up to.", I had no plans really.

Keeping Kylo safe was the most important thing right now, but why couldn't I have a little fun?