The unexpected princess carry

"Woah, what's that?" I asked curiously, eager to know more about the item in her hand.

What the heck is with that crystal ball? What got you so fucking excited over that thing?

"Ehh, so you didn't know? Well, let me explain. This thing in my hand is a wallet, or in short, a credit card," Ashley explained." So do you understand now?" 

Well, I did understand what you said, but I couldn't help but be more curious about the reason why you are so excited about that stupid ball.

Thus, to find it out, I decided to pretend that I didn't fully grasp her explanation and ask for more details.

"Can you explain more? I can't quite understand," I asked, wearing a slightly clueless expression.

Just then, that shitty holographic screen appeared right in front of my face.

{KAI: dummy! idiot! You have over 83 [S] intelligence, yet you still don't understand it?! Are you dumb or what? }