Pyro-Abilities Ranking System And Limited information Rakings

Pyro-Abilities Ranking System:

[KINGS CLASS]: A type of pyro-ability that uses the power of nature.

[QUEENS CLASS]: A type of Pyro-ability that uses godlike magic skills.

[KNIGHT CLAS]: A type of pyro-ability that can be used to make or transform weapons.

[BISHOPS CLASS]: A type of pyro-ability that can be used to debuff or buff the allied.

[ROOKS CLASS]: A type of pyro-ability that uses defense-type abilities like hardening or transformation to defend himself or others.

[PAWNS CLASS]: A type of pyro-ability that is non-combatant and used as a productivity enhancer.

Note: The pawn class is a low-ranking class, depending on the usefulness of their pyro ability. 

For example, if they obtain a cultivation-type pyro-ability that helps produce or grow crops on a farm,

that pyroholder will be considered a top-tier talent among the Pawn class.

The same goes for the other rankings, so no matter what type of pyro-ability you get, if it's useless, it will be considered low-tier.

However, this doesn't apply to the King and Queen classes because, no matter how low-tier their pyro-ability is, it will be overpowered as heck.


Limited Information Rankings:

This ranking was created by AI Alice in collaboration with the Central Union to rank the limited pieces of information that users have.

[EX - Experience-based information.]

This is the most valuable type of limited information, as it is obtained through personal experience and can only be created by the users themselves. For the safety of the user, AI Alice cannot access this type of limited information.

[User's private knowledge, user's true weaknesses, user's true name, user's cup size, Pyrosites true name, Pyrosites abilities, Pyrosites weakness]

[A - Discovery-based information.]

This type of limited information is obtained accidentally or through discovery, such as through experience gained from someone or knowledge received from someone. For the safety of the user, AI Alice cannot access this type of limited information.

[Enemy knowledge, enemy weaknesses, enemy true name, enemy Pyrosites abilities, enemy Pyrosites weaknesses]

[B - Book-based information.]

This type of limited information is obtained through reading secret information, such as limited information books. AI Alice can access this kind of information for the safety of the user.

[Books knowledge, personal knowledge]

[C - Research-based information.]

This type of limited information is obtained through extensive research and discovery. AI Alice can access this kind of information for the safety of the user.

[Research knowledge, research discovery knowledge]

[D - Common-based information.]

This type of limited information is based on shared knowledge that is accessible to anyone. AI Alice can access this kind of information for the safety of the user.

[Common knowledge]

[E - Illegal-based information.]

This type of limited information is illegal to obtain without permission from AI Alice. Users are not allowed to share this type of limited information without AI Alice's permission. Owning this type of limited information will not kill you, but it will put you in a tough situation.

[History before the year 4880, Central Union classified information, AI Alice classified information, Ark's classified information]

Note: If any action is made through illegal means, the information being shared will be deleted for both the receiver and sender.

Any note that's being written will automatically filtered through the human's eyes.