Chapter 1

The plum blossoms in the yard were full of branches, fell on the ground, and spread on the residual snow that can be cleaned in the future. At first glance, people can't tell where the snow is and the plums. When the wind rises, the subtle fragrance is leisurely. Full house circulation.

Under the curtain of dusk, the eaves on the moon are as cool as water.

At the end of the courtyard, there is a corner door called plum blossoms that covers half of the corner. For some years, the door is opened and the inside is very different. There are two strong men standing at the door. They are armed with swords. The porch is narrow and narrow. A large bluestone brick is leading to a dark prison cell, and a long and swift demeanor is coming.

The floral scent seemed to be blocked by the gate and couldn't get through at all.

There were also several guards standing there, with swords on their bodies, standing like wooden men, and a large iron fence with a thick adult man's arm at the door.

Walking through the narrow black hole of the cell, and walking in, there are three large stone gates controlled by the institution. Each gate is guarded. After passing these three stone gates and going in, there is a little human vitality. It's gone, as if the long and narrow road was Huang Quan's path of injustice, and the lights flashed endlessly, like a ghost fire.

There was a man in the innermost cell saying something low, and then he was silent for a while, as if another person sighed and couldn't help it lightly.

Suddenly, a scream suddenly cut through the darkness in the cell, and even the flames were extinguished. The scream was sharp and dying like an animal, and it only made people feel indescribable chill.

One of the two guards facing away from the cell door was a newcomer, with a youthful adolescence on his face. He heard the movement quietly, couldn't help fighting a shiver, and glanced at himself secretly. The companion found that the other was deaf, standing upright as a mountain, and immediately converged and lowered his eyes.

But the scream was too loud and persistent. The man's scream broke, his husky voice kept endless, and the last breath continued. The scream was turned into a sobbing groan / groan, but it seemed more miserable.

The new guard just felt that goosebumps scrambled out of his body.

It was only after a scent of incense that the voice of the man disappeared. After a while, two people dragged out a middle-aged man who didn't know if he was dead or alive. The man was naked with his head tilted to one side, his hair was wet with sweat, his lips were bitten, and his blood was running down the corner of his mouth. Nothing hurts, but a dark red nail was nailed to each of the seven large holes in the chest and abdomen.

It seemed to be a weird and terrifying totem, and the eyes of the young guard could not help but follow the middle-aged man until they disappeared at the end of Shimen.

At this moment, a person said lowly behind him, "See this, and regret it?"

The young guard was frightened and turned back violently, only to see a man in a royal blue robe knowing when he was standing behind him silently, and his companion on one side was already kneeling on the ground with one knee. He knelt too busy, and said in his mouth, "The landlord."

The man in the robe looked like he was twenty-nine years old. He looked so gentle and gentle, but looked like a scribe, but there was a layer of sickness on his face, the outline of his eyebrows was deep and clear, his eyes were very bright, and he was always slightly hanging. The very long and thick eyelashes covered the half of the eye, and occasionally it was lifted up with the indifference of the strands. Every time I saw people's hearts became cold, the bridge of the nose was very beautiful, but the lips were very thin, called that handsome face Adds a taste of injustice out of thin air.

Hearing the boy's title, the man couldn't help but glance at him one more time, chuckling, and said, "Are you new here?"

The boy lowered his head, "Yes."

The man raised his hand and patted him twice on the shoulder: "Remember, I can't call me the owner in the future. I'm no longer the owner, and I should call Master Zhou next time."

The boy looked up at him quickly and lowered respectfully, "Yes, Master Zhou."The man nodded, waved his hand, and said, "You two go, I'll be clean for a while."

The two guards responded and went out side by side. The young guard still couldn't help looking back and saw the man in the blue robe leaning quietly on the door frame. His eyes seemed to be staring at what was in the void, and what seemed to be Can't see, the boy somehow felt like he was going far away.

The first iron gate fell down, and the silent old guard suddenly said lowly, "You look like an adult, like a gentle and gentle scholar, can think of his hands, nailing Lao Bi Have you got the "Qiaoqiao Sanqiu nails"? "

The young boy looked aside, turned his head to see his older companion, and both of the old guards were white, and sighed, "How many things do you not understand, our" skylight "is the only way to go in and out. If you want to go out, you have to be dead and disabled. "

In the four years of Daqing Rongjia, the name of "Skylight" could have made the whole story scary.

"Skylight" is an organization composed of spies and killers who are directly loyal to the emperor. No one knows how many people they are and where they are hidden. But no one doubts that their tentacles can reach the ends of the earth. go with. It was established by Emperor Rongjia Helianji while he was Chu Jun. Now, he has entered and exited with strict rules and regulations.

The first leader of the "Skylight"-the man in the royal blue robe, was the former "Four Seasons Owner", and now is Zhou Zishu, an adult of Zhou Dynasty.

From the secret to the palace, to the death of the trafficker, there are no secrets in the "Skylight", so there is a rule that no living person who has a mouth can speak and leave the skylight, come in and go out, unless he is dead. Or, they are asking for the "seven tips and three autumn nails".

The so-called "seven tips and three autumn nails" are the seven poisonous nails that are internally sealed in the seven most important points in the chest and abdomen of the human body. The seven meridians and eight veins are stagnant. It looks like a wasteful person, poisoned the five internal organs for three years, and died of anger.

Although stealing a living for three years, it is better to die.

But even so, from time to time, some people would rather be a living dead than leave the skylight. Three years of unscrupulous living is the greatest blessing of Yuci.

Let's say Zhou Ziping retreated, he went back to the small cell by himself, closed the door, with his hands behind his back, and slowly walked thoughtfully for a week, then stopped, took out the corners and placed the clues. Small box, open. This horrible little thing actually exuded a scent like lumpy plum, Zhou Zishu took a deep breath, and then reached out to untie his robe.

On the surface, he seemed to be long and well-proportioned, but this untied clothes showed a body that was as dry as anything, and between the thin chest and abdomen, it was clear that there were six tricks and three autumns. The nails, somehow nailed up, are almost in the flesh.

Zhou Zishu looked down at his own body, smiled at himself, and picked up a small knife from the side, gritted his teeth, and cut open the flesh near the nails. The knife was extremely fast and stable. As if it were not cut by your own flesh, it didn't take much time, the entire chest was stained with blood, and it looked like the nails that had been nailed in earlier seemed to have penetrated.

Then, as if any level had been activated, he moaned, and then leaned against the corner of the wall softly, slowly sliding down, his body trembling, the little blood on his lips faded away, his teeth He bit a "giggle" and suddenly twitched, his eyes widened slightly, then slowly closed, his head tilted aside.

His face was pale and white, and his blood was like a dead body.

Until the early morning light of the next day, the person curled up in the corner of the cell slightly twitched, and then slowly opened his eyes. When he tried it for the first time, his legs were soft and almost fell back. The second time, I barely stood up, took out the silk, dipped in water, carefully wiped away most of the blood on the chest, re-folded the placket, picked up a Qiqiao Sanqiu nail, and put it in his arms.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and went out.

Striding out of the cell and returning to the small yard of Lengmei Baixue, Zhou Zishu only felt a refreshing fragrance coming out, as if he could easily clean his **** body, he was in a tree Standing under the plum tree for a long time, she sniffed up slightly, unconsciously showing a little smile on her face.

He sighed softly again and said quietly, "Come."

A man in black got out like a shadow, and bowed for him to speak. Zhou Zishu took out a dark token and threw it to him, and said, "Go and ask Duan Butler to come and tell him to face me today."

The man in black took the token and disappeared without notice, as if he had never been there.

Duan Pengjuan, Duan Pengju, was picked up by Zhou Zishu after mastering the sunroof, listening only to his deployment. This person has both ability and ambition, and never hesitates to show such ambition.

Zhou Zishu sometimes looked at him, just as he looked at himself a few years ago. After a while, Duan Pengju came with the token. He was still a bit unknown. After all, this is a group of people who can't see the light. In addition to Zhou Zishu on weekdays, others don't have many opportunities to face holy men.

Zhou Zishu didn't say much, only left him with a breakfast, presumably the emperor was about to go to the early dynasty, and then commanded: "Let's go."

Then he went to the palace. Although Duan Pengju didn't know what he meant, he didn't ask much, but just kept up silently.

The two arrived at the study room one after the other. Emperor Rongjia Helien was already there. When they heard that they were here, they immediately called them in. After Zhou Zishu and Duan Peng had a great gift, Zhou Zishu took a roll of bamboo tube from his sleeve and presented it to Helian: "The emperor, this is what you ordered last time."

Helien took it over, but didn't look at it in a hurry, but looked at Zhou Zishu, and couldn't help frowning. "You look worse and worse, and you will be called back by the doctor to see if there is a dark injury on your body Don't look down on it, don't take it for granted that you are young. "

Zhou Zishu smiled slightly, nodded, and only said: "The emperor is worried."

He Lianchi met Duan Pengju again, firstly, and then asked, "Why is Pengju here today? I haven't seen you in a day, and I've lost a lot of energy."

Duan Peng lifted a pair of small eyes and busily laughed: "It is difficult for the emperor to take care of everything, but he can still remember the old slave."

Helien smiled, faintly feeling that Zhou Zishu had something to say, so he opened the bamboo tube he brought, took out a small paper roll, looked at it in ten lines, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked up Shu Zhou said: "This is a beautiful thing. How can Zi Shu reward you?"


Zhou Zishu suddenly raised his clothes and knelt down on the ground. Duan Peng's movement was unknown, so he had to follow his knees.

Helian frowned, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Zhou Zishu whispered as though he was in a state of weakness: "Chen, but I ask the emperor to appreciate the grace."

Helien laughed and said, "Get up and talk, you have been born and died for my Daqing years. Except for this country, what can't I promise you? Let me talk."

Zhou Zishu got up straight, but he was still kneeling, and then unbuttoned the robe's jacket silently. As soon as the thick and impenetrable robe was untied, a burst of **** gas rushed to his face, and he was healed to stop bleeding The body blew again because of the bumps on the road.

He Lianchi stood up for a while: "Zishu!"

Duan Pengju was already scared.

Zhou Zishu opened his palm again, and on his long palm lay the last Qiqi Sanqiu nail, saying, "The emperor and his own hit six. If the seventh is also entered, I am afraid that they will not reach the palace and the emperor. He resigned, and asked the emperor to give grace to ask Pengju to help him succeed. "

He was so stunned for a long time that she couldn't say a word. After a while, she sat back and looked up at the beam of the study, whispering to herself: "Yunxing is far northwest, Beiyuan ... Bei Yuan is gone, do you even have to leave now? "

Zhou Zishu silently said nothing.

Hellenheim was silent for a while, and sighed, "Well, you are alone."

Zhou Zishu continued: "Emperor, you don't need to worry about the skylight. Pengju has been following me all these years. I can trust and have the ability ..."

Duan Peng interrupted him by cutting his mouth: "Zhuangzhuang! Zhuangzhuang, you can't say that, my old paragraph has no such idea! You ... you can't ..."

Zhou Zishu said lowly: "The Qiqiao and Sanqiu nails, Sanqiu will break his intestine, and he will not bow when he opens his bow--"

He bowed and gave Helian a slap, but he did not raise his head when he finished, and said in his mouth, "Read the servants for so many years of service.

Hellen stared at the blood-gourd-like person, and at that moment no one knew what the right emperor was thinking-those years were cautious, those years were exhausted, those years raged, those years were bitter and cold In those years ... and finally he came to the world, but everyone was gone, only he was left.

Everyone cannot escape the impermanence of the world, and the abandonment of years.

After a short while, he closed his eyes and waved.

Zhou Zishu gave a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Thank Lord Ron."

He seemed to have encountered something very happy, with a pale flush on his pale face, turned to Duan Pengju cheerfully, and shoved the last nail into his hand: "Come on."

Duan Peng lifted his teeth for a long while, then gritted his teeth, raised the dark red unknown nails, and nailed them into the flesh and blood of his landlord. He knew that it was extremely painful, and I 've seen it all these years. I couldn't stand this, but couldn't help screaming, but Zhou Zishu just flinched a little, still straight up, no screams, only a few squeaks.

He even felt that Zhou Zishu was smiling in that stuffy hum.

Duan Pengju felt that the owner was crazy.

Zhou Zishu slowed for a while, and finally worshiped Helien, a face as white as paper.

The strength in his body was receding quickly, the numbness began to rise slowly, and he said the last four words: "Take care of the emperor."

Later, without waiting for He Lianji to reply, he strode out of the study room, as brisk as if he had left some burdens, his figure flashed and disappeared.